杂志文章%@ 2368-7959 %I JMIR出版物%V 9% N 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析4% P e29211 %T描述使用多成分数字干预来预测首发精神病的治疗结果:聚类分析%A O'Sullivan,Shaunagh %A Schmaal,Lianne %A D'Alfonso,Simon %A Toenders,Yara Jo %A Valentine,Lee %A McEnery,Carla %A Bendall,Sarah %A Nelson,Barnaby %A Gleeson,John F %A Alvarez-Jimenez,Mario %+ Orygen,澳大利亚Parkville, 3052,杨树路35号,邮编61 428 282 470,shaunagh.osullivan@orygen.org.au %K数字干预%K数字健康%K青年心理健康%K精神病%K聚类%K使用指标%K日志数据%K社交网络%D 2022 %7 7.4.2022 %9原始论文%J JMIR Ment health %G英文%X背景:多成分数字干预提供了定制和灵活干预的潜力,旨在解决高流动率和增加参与度,这是数字心理健康中关注的一个领域。然而,使用灵活性的增加使得很难确定哪些成分可以改善治疗结果。目的:本研究旨在确定Horyzons的用户资料,这是一项针对首发精神病的18个月的数字复发预防干预,包括治疗内容和社交网络,以及临床、职业和同伴支持,并检查这些用户资料对治疗结果的预测价值。第二个目标是将每个用户的资料与接受正常治疗的年轻人(TAU)进行比较。方法:参与者包括82名接受horizons治疗的年轻人(16-27岁)和84名接受TAU治疗的首发精神病患者。此外,来自horizon的治疗和社交网络组件的6个月使用数据被用作关节轨迹K-means聚类的特征,以识别用户档案。在基线和6个月随访时评估社会功能、精神病症状、抑郁和焦虑。一般线性混合模型用于检验用户档案对治疗结果的预测价值,以及每个用户档案与TAU之间的预测价值。 Results: A total of 3 user profiles were identified based on the following system use metrics: low use, maintained use of social components, and maintained use of both therapy and social components. The maintained therapy and social group showed improvements in social functioning (F2,51=3.58; P=.04), negative symptoms (F2,51=4.45; P=.02), and overall psychiatric symptom severity (F2,50=3.23; P=.048) compared with the other user profiles. This group also showed improvements in social functioning (F1,62=4.68; P=.03), negative symptoms (F1,62=14.61; P<.001), and overall psychiatric symptom severity (F1,63=5.66; P=.02) compared with the TAU group. Conversely, the maintained social group showed increases in anxiety compared with the TAU group (F1,57=7.65; P=.008). No differences were found between the low use group and the TAU group on treatment outcomes. Conclusions: Continued engagement with both therapy and social components might be key in achieving long-term recovery. Maintained social use and low use outcomes were broadly comparable with TAU, emphasizing the importance of maintaining engagement for improved treatment outcomes. Although the social network may be a key ingredient to increase sustained engagement, as users engaged with this more consistently, it should be leveraged as a tool to engage young people with therapeutic content to bring about social and clinical benefits. %M 35389351 %R 10.2196/29211 %U https://mental.www.mybigtv.com/2022/4/e29211 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/29211 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35389351