@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/40391,作者=“Mahmood, Asos和Kim, Hyunmin和Kedia, Satish和Dillon, Patrick”,标题=“美国非正式护理人员中可穿戴活动追踪器的使用和身体活动:定量研究”,期刊=“JMIR Mhealth Uhealth”,年=“2022”,月=“11”,日=“24”,卷=“10”,数=“11”,页=“e40391”,关键词=“非正式护理人员;护理;健康和活动追踪器;衣物;身体活动;促进健康行为;背景:随着美国人口老龄化和慢性疾病的增加,非正式照顾者的作用变得至关重要,因为他们参与照顾他们所爱的人。越来越多的证据表明,这种责任给非正式照料者带来了沉重负担,并可能对其健康产生负面影响。新的可穿戴健康和活动追踪器(可穿戴设备)越来越多地被用于促进和监测健康行为并改善健康结果。虽然之前的研究已经调查了可穿戴设备在改善普通人群健康和福祉方面的功效,但对它们在非正式护理人员中的益处知之甚少。 Objective: This study aimed to examine the association between use of wearables and levels of physical activity (PA) among informal caregivers in the United States. Methods: We used data from the National Cancer Institute's Health Information National Trends Survey 5 (cycle 3, 2019 and cycle 4, 2020) for a nationally representative sample of 1273 community-dwelling informal caregivers---aged ≥18 years, 60{\%} (757/1273) female, 75.7{\%} (990/1273) had some college or more in education, and 67.3{\%} (885/1273) had ≥1 chronic medical condition---in the United States. Using jackknife replicate weights, a multivariable logistic regression was fit to assess an independent association between the use of wearables and a binary outcome: meeting or not meeting the current World Health Organization's recommendation of PA for adults (≥150 minutes of at least moderate-intensity PA per week). Results: More than one-third (466/1273, 37.8{\%}) of the informal caregivers met the recommendations for adult PA. However, those who reported using wearables (390/1273, 31.7{\%}) had slightly higher odds of meeting PA recommendations (adjusted odds ratios 1.1, 95{\%} CI 1.04-1.77; P=.04) compared with those who did not use wearables. Conclusions: The results demonstrated a positive association between the use of wearables and levels of PA among informal caregivers in the United States. Therefore, efforts to incorporate wearable technology into the development of health-promoting programs or interventions for informal caregivers could potentially improve their health and well-being. However, any such effort should address the disparities in access to innovative digital technologies, including wearables, to promote health equity. Future longitudinal studies are required to further support the current findings of this study. ", issn="2291-5222", doi="10.2196/40391", url="https://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2022/11/e40391", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/40391", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36422886" }