@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/41767,作者=“Hogan, Timothy P和Etingen, Bella和Lipschitz, Jessica M和Shimada, Stephanie L和McMahon, Nicholas和Bolivar, Derek和Bixler, Felicia R和Irvin, Dawn和Wacks, Rachel和Cutrona, Sarah和Frisbee, Kathleen L和Smith, Bridget M”,标题=“与美国退伍军人自我报告使用网络和移动健康应用程序相关的因素:“横断面调查”,期刊=“JMIR移动健康Uhealth”,年=“2022”,月=“12”,日=“30”,卷=“10”,号=“12”,页=“e41767”,关键词=“移动健康app;病人参与;消费者健康信息学;提供者鼓励;,摘要="背景:尽管与健康相关的应用程序很普遍,而且据报道患者对它们的使用很感兴趣,但它们的使用率有限。退伍军人健康管理局(VHA)开发了各种应用程序来支持退伍军人;然而,全国的使用率仍然很低。目的:我们调查了VHA健康相关应用程序的使用情况,以及退伍军人如何了解这些应用程序,以确定与使用相关的因素。方法:作为VHA质量改进计划的一部分,我们招募了一组全国退伍军人,以获得他们对健康技术使用的反馈,并通过横断面调查从他们那里收集数据。 The survey data were supplemented with VHA administrative data. We used descriptive statistics to examine demographic and health characteristics, health-related technology use, and how veterans learned about apps. We assessed factors associated with app use using bivariate analyses and multiple logistic regression models. Results: We had complete data on 1259 veterans. A majority of the sample was male (1069/1259, 84.9{\%}), aged older than 65 years (740/1259, 58.8{\%}), White (1086/1259, 86.3{\%}), and non-Hispanic (1218/1259, 96.7{\%}). Most respondents (1125/1259, 89.4{\%}) reported being very comfortable and confident using computers, over half (675/1259, 53.6{\%}) reported being an early adopter of technology, and almost half (595/1259, 47.3{\%}) reported having used a VHA health-related app. Just over one-third (435/1259, 34.6{\%}) reported that their VHA care team members encouraged them to use health-related apps. Respondents reported learning about available VHA health-related apps by reading about them on the VHA's patient portal (468/1259, 37.2{\%}), being told about them by their VHA health care team (316/1259, 25.1{\%}), and reading about them on the VHA's website (139/1259, 11{\%}). Veterans who self-reported having used VHA health-related apps were more likely to receive care at the VHA (OR [odds ratio] 1.3, 95{\%} CI 1.0-1.7), be in worse health (as assessed by Hierarchical Condition Community score; OR 1.1, 95{\%} CI 1.0-1.2), report owning a desktop or laptop computer (OR 1.8, 95{\%} CI 1.1-3.1), have posttraumatic stress disorder (OR 1.4, 95{\%} CI 1.1-1.9), and report having VHA health care team members encourage them to use the apps (OR 2.7, 95{\%} CI 2.1-3.4). Conclusions: We found strong associations between self-reported use by veterans of VHA health-related apps and multiple variables in our survey. The strongest association was observed between a veteran self-reporting app use and having received encouragement from their VHA health care team to use the apps. Veterans who reported receiving encouragement from their VHA care team members had nearly 3 times higher odds of using VHA apps than veterans who did not report receiving such encouragement. Our results add to growing evidence suggesting that endorsement of apps by a health care system or health care team can positively impact patient uptake and use. ", issn="2291-5222", doi="10.2196/41767", url="https://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2022/12/e41767", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/41767", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36583935" }