@文章{info:doi/ 10.2199 /35157,作者=“Mason, Madilyn和Cho, Youmin和Rayo, Jessica和Gong, Yang和Harris, Marcelline和Jiang, Yun”,标题=“服药依从性监测技术和技术评估标准:叙述回顾”,期刊=“JMIR Mhealth Uhealth”,年=“2022”,月=“3”,日=“10”,卷=“10”,数=“3”,页=“e35157”,关键词=“服药依从性;技术评估;遥感技术;背景:准确测量和监测患者的药物依从性是一个全球性的挑战,因为缺乏坚持性测量的金标准方法。最近的关注指向了药物依从性监测技术的采用,因为它们提供了持续跟踪个人药物依从性行为的机会。但是,目前的药物依从性监测技术因技术特点和数据采集方法不同,优缺点也各不相同。总的来说,缺乏适当的标准来指导对药物依从性监测技术的评估,以获得最佳的采用和使用。目的:本研究旨在对当前药物依从性监测技术进行述评,并提出一套技术评估标准,以支持技术的开发和采用。方法:在PubMed、Scopus、CINAHL、ProQuest Technology Collection(2010-至今)上结合关键词药物依从性、测量技术、监测技术进行文献检索。本次评选的重点是与药物依从性监测技术及其开发和使用相关的研究。 The technological features, data capture methods, and potential advantages and limitations of the identified technology applications were extracted. Methods for using data for adherence monitoring were also identified. Common recurring elements were synthesized as potential technology assessment criteria. Results: Of the 3865 articles retrieved, 98 (2.54{\%}) were included in the final review, which reported a variety of technology applications for monitoring medication adherence, including electronic pill bottles or boxes, ingestible sensors, electronic medication management systems, blister pack technology, patient self-report technology, video-based technology, and motion sensor technology. Technical features varied by technology type, with common expectations for using these technologies to accurately monitor medication adherence and increase adoption in patients' daily lives owing to their unobtrusiveness and convenience of use. Most technologies were able to provide real-time monitoring of medication-taking behaviors but relied on proxy measures of medication adherence. Successful implementation of these technologies in clinical settings has rarely been reported. In all, 28 technology assessment criteria were identified and organized into the following five categories: development information, technology features, adherence to data collection and management, feasibility and implementation, and acceptability and usability. Conclusions: This narrative review summarizes the technical features, data capture methods, and various advantages and limitations of medication adherence monitoring technology reported in the literature and the proposed criteria for assessing medication adherence monitoring technologies. This collection of assessment criteria can be a useful tool to guide the development and selection of relevant technologies, facilitating the optimal adoption and effective use of technology to improve medication adherence outcomes. Future studies are needed to further validate the medication adherence monitoring technology assessment criteria and construct an appropriate technology assessment framework. ", issn="2291-5222", doi="10.2196/35157", url="https://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2022/3/e35157", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/35157", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35266873" }