@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/41545,作者=“Waring, Molly E和Pagoto, Sherry L和Moore Simas, Tiffany A和Blackman Carr, Loneke T和Eamiello, Madison L和Libby, Brooke A和Rudin, Lauren R和Heersping, Grace E”,标题=“通过Facebook或现场小组进行产后减肥干预:来自随机试验可行性试验的结果”,期刊=“JMIR Mhealth Uhealth”,年=“2023”,月=“4”,日=“27”,卷=“11”,页=“e41545”,关键词=“产后减肥;Facebook;社交媒体;初步研究;可行性;摘要=“背景:产后体重潴留有助于体重增加和肥胖。”远程提供的生活方式干预可能能够克服在这一生命阶段参加面对面项目的障碍。目的:本研究旨在通过Facebook或面对面小组进行6个月产后减肥干预的随机可行性试点试验。可行性结果包括招募、持续参与、污染、保留和研究程序的可行性。6个月和12个月的体重下降百分比是探索性结果。 Methods: Women with overweight or obesity who were 8 weeks to 12 months post partum were randomized to receive a 6-month behavioral weight loss intervention based on the Diabetes Prevention Program lifestyle intervention via Facebook or in-person groups. Participants completed assessments at baseline, 6 months, and 12 months. Sustained participation was defined by intervention meeting attendance or visible engagement in the Facebook group. We calculated percent weight change for participants who provided weight at each follow-up. Results: Among individuals not interested in the study, 68.6{\%} (72/105) were not interested in or could not attend in-person meetings and 2.9{\%} (3/105) were not interested in the Facebook condition. Among individuals excluded at screening, 18.5{\%} (36/195) were ineligible owing to reasons related to the in-person condition, 12.3{\%} (24/195) related to the Facebook condition, and 2.6{\%} (5/195) were unwilling to be randomized. Randomized participants (n=62) were a median of 6.1 (IQR 3.1-8.3) months post partum, with a median BMI of 31.7 (IQR 28.2-37.4) kg/m2. Retention was 92{\%} (57/62) at 6 months and 94{\%} (58/62) at 12 months. The majority (21/30, 70{\%}) of Facebook and 31{\%} (10/32) of in-person participants participated in the last intervention module. Half (13/26, 50{\%}) of Facebook and 58{\%} (15/26) of in-person participants would be likely or very likely to participate again if they had another baby, and 54{\%} (14/26) and 70{\%} (19/27), respectively, would be likely or very likely to recommend the program to a friend. In total, 96{\%} (25/26) of Facebook participants reported that it was convenient or very convenient to log into the Facebook group daily compared with 7{\%} (2/27) of in-person participants who said it was convenient or very convenient to attend group meetings each week. Average weight loss was 3.0{\%} (SD 7.2{\%}) in the Facebook condition and 5.4{\%} (SD 6.8{\%}) in the in-person condition at 6 months, and 2.8{\%} (SD 7.4{\%}) in the Facebook condition and 4.8{\%} (SD 7.6{\%}) in the in-person condition at 12 months. Conclusions: Barriers to attending in-person meetings hampered recruitment efforts and intervention participation. Although women found the Facebook group convenient and stayed engaged in the group, weight loss appeared lower. Research is needed to further develop care models for postpartum weight loss that balance accessibility with efficacy. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT03700736; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03700736 ", issn="2291-5222", doi="10.2196/41545", url="https://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2023/1/e41545", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/41545", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/37103991" }