@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / /移动医疗。2526,作者=“van der Weegen, Sanne和Verwey, Ren{\'e}和Spreeuwenberg, Marieke和Tange, Huibert和van der Weijden, Trudy和de Witte, Luc”,标题=“在初级保健中刺激慢性病患者身体活动的移动监测和反馈工具的开发:以用户为中心的设计”,期刊=“JMIR Mhealth Uhealth”,年=“2013”,月=“Jul”,日=“02”,卷=“1”,数=“2”,页=“e8”,关键词=“以用户为中心的设计;自我管理;身体活动;个加速器;遥感技术;背景:体育活动是慢性阻塞性肺疾病或2型糖尿病患者治疗的一个重要方面。监测和反馈工具与初级保健提供者的指导相结合,可能是提高这些患者身体活动水平的成功方法。作为有用技术的先决条件,从早期阶段就让终端用户参与到设计过程中是很重要的。目的:本研究的目的是调查用户对一种工具的需求,以刺激身体活动,嵌入初级保健实践。 The leading principle of this tool is to change behavior by self-monitoring, goal-setting, and feedback. Methods: The research team collected qualitative data among 15 patients, 16 care professionals, and several experts. A prototype was developed in three stages. In stage 1, the literature was searched to identify end-users and context. In stage 2, the literature, experts and patient representatives were consulted to set up a use case with the general idea of the innovation. In stage 3, individual interviews and focus groups were held to identify the end-user requirements. Based on these requirements a prototype was built by the engineering team. Results: The development process has led to a tool that generally meets the requirements of the end-users. A tri-axial activity sensor, worn on the hip, is connected by Bluetooth to a smartphone. In an app, quantitative feedback is given about the amount of activity and goals reached by means of graphical visualization, and an image shows a sun when the goal is reached. Overviews about activity per half an hour, per day, week, and month are provided. In the menu of the app and on a secured website, patients can enter information in individual sessions or read feedback messages generated by the system. The practice nurse can see the results of all patients on a secure webpage and can then discuss the results and set personalized goals in consultation with the patient. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that a user-centered approach brings in valuable details (such as the requirements for feedback in activity minutes per day) to improve the fit between the user, technology, and the organization of care, which is important for the usability and acceptability of the tool. The tool embedded in primary care will be evaluated in a randomized controlled trial. ", issn="2291-5222", doi="10.2196/mhealth.2526", url="http://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2013/2/e8/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/mhealth.2526", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25099556" }