@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / /移动医疗。4087,作者="Boushey, Carol Jo和Harray, Amelia J和Kerr, Deborah Anne和Schap, TusaRebecca E和Paterson, Stacey和Aflague, Tanisha和Bosch Ruiz, Marc和Ahmad, Ziad和Delp, Edward J",标题="青少年有多愿意记录他们的饮食摄入量?移动食品记录”,期刊=“JMIR mHealth uHealth”,年=“2015”,月=“5”,日=“29”,卷=“3”,数=“2”,页数=“e47”,关键词=“青少年;孩子;饮食的评估;移动食品记录;背景:准确评估儿童和青少年的饮食可能是有问题的。使用一些技术,比如使用移动应用程序,用嵌入式设备摄像头拍摄的图像来捕捉进食时摄入的食物和饮料,可能会解决从青少年那里收集准确饮食摄入量数据的许多障碍。目的:本研究的目的是评估青少年在进食场合使用新型移动食品记录(mFR)拍摄食品和饮料图像的意愿,并评估mFR应用程序的用户确认组件的可用性,称为“审查过程”。方法:本研究采用定量和定性相结合的混合方法。参加夏令营的青少年(11-15岁)被招募参与这项研究。 First, the participants were asked to take images of foods and beverages consumed as meals and snacks for 2 consecutive days using the mFR app running on an iPhone and the number of images taken was noted. This was followed by focus group sessions to evaluate usability, which was analyzed by content and themes. After using the mFR, a think-aloud method was used to evaluate the usability of the mFR method for reviewing system-identified foods (ie, the review process). A usability questionnaire was administered at the end of all activities. Results: The mFR was accepted by the majority of the 24 boys and 17 girls (n=41) but varied according to gender and eating occasion. Girls were significantly more likely than boys to capture images of their eating occasions (Fisher exact test, P=.03). Participants were more likely to take images of their breakfasts (90{\%}, 36/40) and lunches (90{\%}, 72/80) and least likely to capture afternoon and evening snacks, 54{\%} (43/80) and 40{\%} (32/80), respectively. The major themes from the focus groups with regard to using the mFR were games, rewards, and the need to know more about why they were using the app. Results of the usability questionnaire indicated that including a game component would be important to increase willingness to use the mFR, and a high majority of the participants indicated a willingness to use the mFR for 7 days or more. The image review process was found to be easy to use except for some confusion with overlapping markers on the screen. Conclusions: The adolescents' experiences with and feedback about the mFR highlighted the importance of increased training, reminders, entertainment (eg, games), and training with practice in using the device to capture complete dietary intake as part of their active lifestyles. ", issn="2291-5222", doi="10.2196/mhealth.4087", url="http://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2015/2/e47/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/mhealth.4087", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26024996" }