@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / /移动医疗。4328,作者=“Mani, Madhavan和Kavanagh, David J和Hides, Leanne和Stoyanov, Stoyan R”,标题=“基于正念的iPhone应用程序的回顾和评估”,期刊=“JMIR mHealth uHealth”,年=“2015”,月=“8”,日=“19”,卷=“3”,数=“3”,页=“e82”,关键词=“正念”;基于正念的移动应用程序;移动医疗(mHealth);心理健康",摘要="背景:越来越多的证据表明正念对健康有积极影响。基于正念的移动应用程序可能有潜力成为培训的另一种传播媒介。虽然有数百个这样的应用程序,但几乎没有关于它们质量的信息。目的:本研究旨在对基于正念的iPhone移动应用程序进行系统回顾,并使用最新开发的专家评级量表——移动应用程序评级量表(MARS)来评估它们的质量。它还旨在描述精选的高质量正念应用程序的功能。方法:在iTunes和Google Apps Marketplace中搜索“mindfulness”一词。 Apps that provided mindfulness training and education were included. Those containing only reminders, timers or guided meditation tracks were excluded. An expert rater reviewed and rated app quality using the MARS engagement, functionality, visual aesthetics, information quality and subjective quality subscales. A second rater provided MARS ratings on 30{\%} of the apps for inter-rater reliability purposes. Results: The ``mindfulness'' search identified 700 apps. However, 94 were duplicates, 6 were not accessible and 40 were not in English. Of the remaining 560, 23 apps met inclusion criteria and were reviewed. The median MARS score was 3.2 (out of 5.0), which exceeded the minimum acceptable score (3.0). The Headspace app had the highest average score (4.0), followed by Smiling Mind (3.7), iMindfulness (3.5) and Mindfulness Daily (3.5). There was a high level of inter-rater reliability between the two MARS raters. Conclusions: Though many apps claim to be mindfulness-related, most were guided meditation apps, timers, or reminders. Very few had high ratings on the MARS subscales of visual aesthetics, engagement, functionality or information quality. Little evidence is available on the efficacy of the apps in developing mindfulness. ", issn="2291-5222", doi="10.2196/mhealth.4328", url="http://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2015/3/e82/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/mhealth.4328", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26290327" }