@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/10771,作者=“Bashi, Nazli和Fatehi, Farhad和Fallah, Mina和Walters, Darren和Karunanithi, Mohanraj”,标题=“通过移动健康进行自我管理教育:策略和结构回顾”,期刊=“JMIR移动健康Uhealth”,年=“2018”,月=“10”,日=“19”,卷=“6”,数=“10”,页=“e10771”,关键词=“健康教育;移动健康;移动应用;移动电话;病人教育;背景:尽管有大量证据表明移动医疗干预措施对患者进行教育,但缺乏有关其结构和提供策略的信息。目的:本综述旨在探讨通过智能手机应用程序为不同病情和疾病的患者提供患者教育计划的结构和策略。我们也研究了教育干预在健康促进、疾病预防和疾病管理方面的目的。方法:我们检索PubMed、护理和联合健康文献累积索引、Embase和PsycINFO,检索2006年至2016年发表的同行评审论文,这些论文报告了使用移动应用程序进行患者教育干预。我们探讨了教育干预的各种决定因素,包括内容、提供方式、与卫生保健提供者的互动、理论基础、持续时间和随访。 The reporting quality of studies was evaluated according to the mHealth evidence and reporting assessment criteria. Results: In this study, 15 papers met the inclusion criteria and were reviewed. The studies mainly focused on the use of mHealth educational interventions for chronic disease management, and the main format for delivering interventions was text. Of the 15 studies, 6 were randomized controlled trials (RCTs), which have shown statistically significant effects on patients' health outcomes, including patients' engagement level, hemoglobin A1c, weight loss, and depression. Although the results of RCTs were mostly positive, we were unable to identify any specific effective structure and strategy for mHealth educational interventions owing to the poor reporting quality and heterogeneity of the interventions. Conclusions: Evidence on mHealth interventions for patient education published in peer-reviewed journals demonstrates that current reporting on essential mHealth criteria is insufficient for assessing, understanding, and replicating mHealth interventions. There is a lack of theory or conceptual framework for the development of mHealth interventions for patient education. Therefore, further research is required to determine the optimal structure, strategies, and delivery methods of mHealth educational interventions. ", issn="2291-5222", doi="10.2196/10771", url="https://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2018/10/e10771/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/10771", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30341042" }