@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/20741,作者=“Jonker, Marcel and de Bekker-Grob, Esther and Veldwijk, Jorien and Goossens, Lucas and Bour, Sterre and Rutten-Van M{\ \ o}lken, Maureen”,标题=“基于离散选择实验的COVID-19接触者追踪应用:预测荷兰的摄入量”,期刊=“JMIR Mhealth Uhealth”,年=“2020”,月=“10”,日=“9”,卷=“8”,数=“10”,页=“e20741”,关键词=“COVID-19;离散选择实验;接触者追踪;参与流行病学;参与式监测;应用程序;吸收;预测;智能手机;传输; privacy; mobile phone", abstract="Background: Smartphone-based contact tracing apps can contribute to reducing COVID-19 transmission rates and thereby support countries emerging from lockdowns as restrictions are gradually eased. Objective: The primary objective of our study is to determine the potential uptake of a contact tracing app in the Dutch population, depending on the characteristics of the app. Methods: A discrete choice experiment was conducted in a nationally representative sample of 900 Dutch respondents. Simulated maximum likelihood methods were used to estimate population average and individual-level preferences using a mixed logit model specification. Individual-level uptake probabilities were calculated based on the individual-level preference estimates and subsequently aggregated into the sample as well as subgroup-specific contact tracing app adoption rates. Results: The predicted app adoption rates ranged from 59.3{\%} to 65.7{\%} for the worst and best possible contact tracing app, respectively. The most realistic contact tracing app had a predicted adoption of 64.1{\%}. The predicted adoption rates strongly varied by age group. For example, the adoption rates of the most realistic app ranged from 45.6{\%} to 79.4{\%} for people in the oldest and youngest age groups (ie, ≥75 years vs 15-34 years), respectively. Educational attainment, the presence of serious underlying health conditions, and the respondents' stance on COVID-19 infection risks were also correlated with the predicted adoption rates but to a lesser extent. Conclusions: A secure and privacy-respecting contact tracing app with the most realistic characteristics can obtain an adoption rate as high as 64{\%} in the Netherlands. This exceeds the target uptake of 60{\%} that has been formulated by the Dutch government. The main challenge will be to increase the uptake among older adults, who are least inclined to install and use a COVID-19 contact tracing app. ", issn="2291-5222", doi="10.2196/20741", url="https://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2020/10/e20741", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/20741", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32795998" }