@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/16473,作者=“Ahmed, Tanvir和Rizvi, Syed Jafar Raza和Rasheed, Sabrina和Iqbal, Mohammad和Bhuiya, Abbas和Standing, Hilary和Bloom, Gerald和Waldman, Linda”,标题=“孟加拉国数字健康和卫生服务获取中的不平等:混合方法研究”,期刊=“JMIR Mhealth Uhealth”,年=“2020”,月=“7”,日=“21”,卷=“8”,号=“7”,页=“e16473”,关键词=“卫生公平;电子健康;移动健康;数字健康;卫生技术;孟加拉国;背景:在全球范围内,技术的快速增长及其作为发展解决方案的使用引起了人们对数字卫生的极大兴趣。与全球趋势一致,孟加拉国还将技术纳入其卫生系统,以解决差距问题。政府对数字平台的大力政治支持和采用影响了此类举措在该国的迅速扩散。本文旨在研究数字卫生对孟加拉国获得卫生保健的影响,考虑到谁使用电子设备获取卫生信息和服务以及为什么使用电子设备。 Objective: This study aims to understand how access to health care and related information through electronic means (digital health) is affected by sociodemographic determinants (ie, age, gender, education, socioeconomic status, and personal and household ownership of mobile phones) in a semiurban community in Bangladesh. Methods: A cross-sectional survey of 854 households (between October 2013 and February 2014) and 20 focus group discussions (between February 2017 and March 2017) were conducted to understand (1) who owns electronic devices; (2) who, among the owners, uses these to access health information and services and why; (3) the awareness of electronic sources of health information; and (4) the role of intermediaries (family members or peers who helped to look for health information using electronic devices). Results: A total of 90.3{\%} (771/854) of households (471/854, 55.2{\%} of respondents) owned electronic devices, mostly mobile phones. Among these, 7.2{\%} (34/471) used them to access health information or services. Middle-aged (35-54 years), female, less (or not) educated, and poorer people used these devices the least ($\alpha$=.05, $\alpha$ is the level of significance). The lack of awareness, discomfort, differences with regular care-seeking habits, lack of understanding and skills, and proximity to a health facility were the main reasons for not using devices to access digital health. Conclusions: Although influenced by sociodemographic traits, access to digital health is not merely related to device ownership and technical skill. Rather, it is a combination of general health literacy, phone ownership, material resources, and technical skill as well as social recognition of health needs and inequity. This study's findings should serve as a basis for better integrating technology within the health system and ensuring equitable access to health care. ", issn="2291-5222", doi="10.2196/16473", url="http://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2020/7/e16473/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/16473", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32706736" }