@Article{info:doi/10.2196/17183,作者=“Cawley, Caroline and Buckenmeyer, Hannelore and Jellison, Trina and Rinaldi, Joseph B and Vartanian, Keri B”,标题=“卫生系统赞助移动应用程序对围产期健康行为的影响:回顾性队列研究”,期刊=“JMIR Mhealth Uhealth”,年=“2020”,月=“7”,日=“6”,卷=“8”,数=“7”,页=“e17183”,关键词=“移动健康”;围产期卫生;,摘要=“背景:怀孕手机应用越来越受欢迎,准父母们通过移动技术寻找与怀孕和宝宝有关的信息。这种增长增加了对产前应用程序的需求,这些应用程序提供个性化和可靠的基于证据的内容。之前的研究着眼于产前应用程序是否会影响孕妇和产后个体的健康和行为结果;然而,研究一直很有限。目的:本研究的主要目的是评估一个卫生系统的使用——由普罗维登斯赞助的移动应用程序Circle——旨在提供关于怀孕、产后恢复和婴儿护理的个性化和可靠的健康信息,是否与改善健康结果和增加用户的健康行为和知识有关。方法:本观察性研究使用自我报告调查和电子医疗记录比较应用程序用户和非应用程序用户。这项研究在俄勒冈州波特兰市的普罗维登斯圣约瑟夫健康中心进行了18个月。样本包括在普罗维登斯七家诊所之一接受产前护理并在普罗维登斯医院活产的患者。 Recruitment occurred on a rolling basis and only those who completed the survey were included. Survey respondents were separated into app users and app nonusers, and survey responses and clinical outcomes were compared across groups using univariate and adjusted multivariate logistic regression. Results: A total of 567 participants were enrolled in the study---167 in the app user group and 400 in the nonuser group. We found statistically significant differences between the two groups for certain behavior outcomes: subjects who used the app had 75{\%} greater odds of breastfeeding beyond 6 months postpartum (P=.012), were less likely to miss prenatal appointments (P=.046), and were 50{\%} more likely to exercise 3 or more times a week during pregnancy (P=.04). There were no differences in nutritional measures, including whether they took prenatal vitamins, ate 5 fruits or vegetables a day, or drank caffeine. We found no differences in many of the infant care outcomes; however, there was an increase in awareness of ``purple crying.'' Finally, there were no significant differences in measured clinical health outcomes, including cesarean births, length of hospital stays (in minutes), low birth weight infants, preterm births, small-for-gestational-age births, large-for-gestational-age births, and neonatal intensive care unit stays. Conclusions: The use of the Circle app, which provides access to personalized and evidence-based health information, was associated with an increase in certain healthy behaviors and health knowledge, although there was no impact on clinical health outcomes. More research is needed to determine the impact of mobile prenatal apps on healthy pregnancies, clinical health outcomes, and infant care. ", issn="2291-5222", doi="10.2196/17183", url="https://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2020/7/e17183", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/17183", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32628123" }