@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/17704,作者=“Leigh, Simon和Ashall-Payne, Liz和Andrews, Tim”,标题=“英国医疗保健专业人员采用移动医疗的障碍和促进因素:离散选择实验”,期刊=“JMIR Mhealth Uhealth”,年=“2020”,月=“7”,日=“6”,卷=“8”,数=“7”,页=“e17704”,关键词=“数字健康”;移动健康;离散选择;偏好;背景:尽管移动保健服务的可用性越来越高,但临床参与仍然很少。目的:本研究旨在确定和衡量英国卫生保健专业人员(HCPs)使用健康应用程序的障碍和驱动因素。方法:2019年3月至2019年6月,通过网络调查对222名HCPs进行离散选择实验。研究人员通过社交媒体招募了参与者,并要求他们在两种假设的健康应用程序中选择自己喜欢的一种,给假设的病人开处方,或者不开处方。选择的特点是患者的年龄、费用、发表的证据基础、是否有国家卫生服务(NHS)的批准印章、个人对技术的熟悉程度以及他们是否被其他HCP推荐。使用混合logit模型对结果进行分析,并使用亚组分析来解释异质性。 Results: We received 230 responses, a total of 96.5{\%} (n=222/230) of respondents understood the survey task and passed the test of rationality. The median age was between 36 and 45 years, and 62.6{\%} (n=139/222) of the health care providers responding to the survey had previously recommended the use of health apps to patients. Health apps were most likely to be prescribed to patients if they had an NHS stamp of approval or if they were recommended by another HCP (both P<.001). Published studies detailing clinical effectiveness were important (P<.001), but it would take five published studies to have the same impact on prescribing behavior as an NHS stamp of approval and two studies to be as convincing as having used the technology personally. Increasing patient age and costs resulted in significant reductions in digital health prescribing (P<.001), none more so than among allied health professionals. Willingness-to-pay for health apps increased by {\textsterling}124.61 (US {\$}151.14) if an NHS stamp of approval was present and by {\textsterling}29.20 (US {\$}35.42) for each published study. Overall, 8.1{\%} (n=18/222) of respondents were reluctant to use health apps, always choosing the I would prescribe neither option, particularly among older HCPs, nurses, and those who do not use health apps personally. Subgroup analyses revealed significant differences in preferences among HCPs of differing ages and clinical backgrounds. Conclusions: An NHS stamp of approval, published studies, and recommendations from fellow HCPs are significant facilitators of digital prescribing, whereas increasing costs and patient age are significant barriers to engagement. These findings suggest that demonstrating assurances of health apps and supporting both the dissemination and peer-to-peer recommendation of evidence-based technologies are critical if the NHS is to achieve its long-term digital transformation ambitions. ", issn="2291-5222", doi="10.2196/17704", url="https://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2020/7/e17704", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/17704", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32628118" }