@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/15947,作者=“Berrocal, Allan and Concepcion, Waldo and De Dominicis, Stefano and Wac, Katarzyna”,标题=“利用个人无处不设备和社会联系补充人类行为评估:对同伴感知的瞬间评估方法的评价”,期刊=“JMIR Mhealth Uhealth”,年=“2020”,月=“8”,日=“7”,卷=“8”,数=“8”,页=“e15947”,关键词=“同伴感知的瞬间评估”;PeerMA;生态瞬时评价;教育津贴;人的状态评估;行为建模;human-smartphone互动;数字健康;幸福;背景:生态瞬间评估(EMA)使个体能够自我报告其主观的瞬间身体和情绪状态。 However, certain conditions, including routine observable behaviors (eg, moods, medication adherence) as well as behaviors that may suggest declines in physical or mental health (eg, memory losses, compulsive disorders) cannot be easily and reliably measured via self-reports. Objective: This study aims to examine a method complementary to EMA, denoted as peer-ceived momentary assessment (PeerMA), which enables the involvement of peers (eg, family members, friends) to report their perception of the individual's subjective physical and emotional states. In this paper, we aim to report the feasibility results and identified human factors influencing the acceptance and reliability of the PeerMA Methods: We conducted two studies of 4 weeks each, collecting self-reports from 20 participants about their stress, fatigue, anxiety, and well-being, in addition to collecting peer-reported perceptions from 27 of their peers. Results: Preliminary results showed that some of the peers reported daily assessments for stress, fatigue, anxiety, and well-being statistically equal to those reported by the participant. We also showed how pairing assessments of participants and peers in time enables a qualitative and quantitative exploration of unique research questions not possible with EMA-only based assessments. We reported on the usability and implementation aspects based on the participants' experience to guide the use of the PeerMA to complement the information obtained via self-reports for observable behaviors and physical and emotional states among healthy individuals. Conclusions: It is possible to leverage the PeerMA method as a complement to EMA to assess constructs that fall in the realm of observable behaviors and states in healthy individuals. ", issn="2291-5222", doi="10.2196/15947", url="https://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2020/8/e15947", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/15947", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32763876" }