@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/17408,作者="Gra{\v{s} i{\v{c}} Kuhar, Cvetka和Gortnar Cepeda, Tja{\v{s}}a和Kova{\v{c}}, Timotej和Kukar, Matja{\v{z}}和Ru{\v{z}}i{\'{c}} Gorenjec, Nina",标题="早期乳腺癌系统治疗期间症状管理和相关生活质量的移动应用程序:非随机对照前瞻性队列研究”,期刊=“JMIR Mhealth Uhealth”,年=“2020”,月=“8”,日=“4”,卷=“8”,数=“8”,页=“e17408”,关键词=“乳腺癌;系统性的治疗;移动应用程序;patient-reported结果;背景:为正在接受全身治疗的癌症患者提供有关症状管理的有用信息,对于防止生活质量的不必要恶化至关重要。目的:目的是评估症状管理应用程序的使用是否与患者生活质量或卫生资源使用的任何变化相关。方法:在斯洛文尼亚卢布尔雅那肿瘤学研究所招募接受全身治疗的早期乳腺癌门诊患者。2017年12月至2018年3月(对照组)和2018年4月至2018年9月(干预组)接受全身治疗的患者符合条件。所有患者都接受了标准治疗,但只有干预组的患者被要求使用基于android的智能手机应用mPRO Mamma。 The app supported daily tracking of 50 symptoms, allowed users to grade their symptom severity (as mild, moderate, or severe), and also provided in-depth descriptions and recommendations based on reported symptom level. Patient-reported outcomes in both groups were assessed through the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) core (C-30) and breast cancer (BR-23) questionnaires, as well as a questionnaire about health resources use. The primary outcomes were the difference in the global quality of life between groups and the difference in summary score of the EORTC C-30 questionnaire between groups after 3 time periods (the first week of treatment, the first treatment cycle, and the entire treatment). The secondary outcome was the use of health resources (doctor visits and hospitalizations) in each time period. Other scales were used for exploratory analysis. Results: The mean difference between the intervention group (n=46) and the control group (n=45) in global quality of life (adjusted for baseline and type of surgery) after the first week was 10.1 (95{\%} CI 1.8 to 18.5, P=.02). The intervention group summary scores were significantly higher than those of the control group after the first week (adjusted mean difference: 8.9, 95{\%} CI 3.1 to 14.7, P=.003) and at the end of treatment (adjusted mean difference: 10.6, 95{\%} CI 3.9 to 17.3, P=.002). Use of health resources was not statistically significant between the groups in either the first week (P=.12) or the first treatment cycle (P=.13). Exploratory analysis findings demonstrated clinically important improvements (indicated by EORTC C-30 or BR-23 scale scores)---social, physical, role, and cognitive function were improved while pain, appetite loss, and systemic therapy side effects were reduced. Conclusions: Use of the app enabled patients undergoing systemic therapy for early stage breast cancer to better cope with symptoms which was demonstrated by a better global quality of life and summary score after the first week and by a better summary score at the end of treatment in the intervention group compared to those of the control group, but no change in the use of health resources was demonstrated. ", issn="2291-5222", doi="10.2196/17408", url="https://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2020/8/e17408", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/17408", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32427567" }