%0期刊文章%@ 2291-5222 %I JMIR出版物% v10 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析%N 11 %P 36696 %T使用可穿戴设备测量的健康相关指标:系统评价%A Choi,Jin-Young %A Jeon,Seonghee %A Kim,Hana %A Ha,Jaeyoung %A Jeon,Gyeong-suk %A Lee,Jeong %A Cho,Sung-il %+首尔国立大学公共卫生研究生院公共卫生科学系,220栋,703室。冠岳区冠岳路1号背景:可穿戴设备是一种新型的、可穿戴的物联网设备,具有用户友好的特点,在移动医疗领域具有潜在的应用前景。耳的位置有利于通过可靠和舒适的传感装置评估生命状态和检测疾病。目的:我们的研究旨在回顾来自可听设备的健康相关指标的效用,并提出一种改进的疾病预防定义。并提出了未来可穿戴设备在医疗保健领域应用的研究方向。方法:对PubMed、Embase和Web of Science数据库进行系统综述。关键词用于识别2015年至2020年间发表的关于可听设备的研究。根据目标健康结果、生物标志物、传感器类型和位置以及它们对疾病预防的效用来描述可听设备。结果:共有51篇文章符合纳入标准,并进行了回顾,描述了可耳式设备的5个健康相关特征的频率。最常见的目标健康结局是饮食相关结局(9/51,18%)、大脑状态(7/51,14%)、心血管疾病(CVD)和中枢神经系统疾病(5/51,各占10%)。 The most frequent biomarkers were electroencephalography (11/51, 22%), body movements (6/51, 12%), and body temperature (5/51, 10%). As for sensor types and sensor positions, electrical sensors (19/51, 37%) and the ear canal (26/51, 51%) were the most common, respectively. Moreover, the most frequent prevention stages were secondary prevention (35/51, 69%), primary prevention (12/51, 24%), and tertiary prevention (4/51, 8%). Combinations of ≥2 target health outcomes were the most frequent in secondary prevention (8/35, 23%) followed by brain status and CVD (5/35, 14% each) and by central nervous system disease and head injury (4/35, 11% each). Conclusions: Earable devices can provide biomarkers for various health outcomes. Brain status, healthy diet status, and CVDs were the most frequently targeted outcomes among the studies. Earable devices were mostly used for secondary prevention via monitoring of health or disease status. The potential utility of earable devices for primary and tertiary prevention needs to be investigated further. Earable devices connected to smartphones or tablets through cloud servers will guarantee user access to personal health information and facilitate comfortable wearing. %M 36239201 %R 10.2196/36696 %U https://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2022/11/e36696 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/36696 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36239201