一种基于教育和锻炼的手机干预,诱发非特异性慢性腰痛成人电生理变化并改善卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析心理功能(BackFit App):非随机临床试验%A Sitges,Carolina %A Terrasa,Juan L %A García-Dopico,Nuria %A seur - ferrer,Joan %A Velasco-Roldán,Olga %A Crespí-Palmer,Jaume %A González-Roldán,Ana María %A Montoya,Pedro %+健康科学研究所(IUNICS)和巴利阿里群岛健康研究所(IdISBa),巴利阿里群岛大学(UIB)心理学系,Cra。de Valldemossa km 7.5,帕尔马,07122,西班牙,34 971259885,carol.sitges@uib.es %K腰痛%K慢性疼痛%K移动应用程序%K教育%K锻炼%K大脑%K认知%K疼痛阈值%K mHealth %K手机%D 2022 %7 15.3.2022 %9原始论文%J JMIR mHealth Uhealth %G英语%X背景:伴随的心理和认知障碍调节痛觉加工,并导致慢性腰痛(CLBP)的维持,与放射学结果相关性不高。临床实践指南建议自我管理和多学科教育和锻炼为基础的干预。然而,这些建议是基于自我报告的测量,缺乏相关电生理变化的证据。此外,目前用于自我管理的移动医疗工具质量较低,证据不足。因此,有必要增加对移动健康和当前循证干预所引起的电生理变化的了解。目的:本研究的目的是调查基于自我管理的教育和运动的4周mHealth干预(BackFit应用程序)在CLBP患者脑电图和心电图活动、压痛阈值(PPTs)、疼痛、残疾、心理和认知功能方面与面对面干预方式相比所引起的变化。方法:在巴利阿里群岛大学(Palma,西班牙)进行了一项2组平行非随机临床试验。 A total of 50 patients with nonspecific CLBP were assigned to a self-managed group (23/50, 46%; mean age 45.00, SD 9.13 years; 10/23, 43% men) or a face-to-face group (27/50, 54%; mean age 48.63, SD 7.54 years; 7/27, 26% men). The primary outcomes were electroencephalographic activity (at rest and during a modified version of the Eriksen flanker task) and heart rate variability (at rest), PPTs, and pressure pain intensity ratings. The secondary outcomes were pain, disability, psychological functioning (mood, anxiety, kinesiophobia, pain catastrophizing, and fear-avoidance beliefs), and cognitive performance (percentage of hits and reaction times). Results: After the intervention, frequency analysis of electroencephalographic resting-state data showed increased beta-2 (16-23 Hz; 0.0020 vs 0.0024; P=.02) and beta-3 (23-30 Hz; 0.0013 vs 0.0018; P=.03) activity. In addition, source analyses revealed higher power density of beta (16-30 Hz) at the anterior cingulate cortex and alpha (8-12 Hz) at the postcentral gyrus and lower power density of delta (2-4 Hz) at the cuneus and precuneus. Both groups also improved depression (7.74 vs 5.15; P=.01), kinesiophobia (22.91 vs 20.87; P=.002), activity avoidance (14.49 vs 12.86; P<.001), helplessness (6.38 vs 4.74; P=.02), fear-avoidance beliefs (35 vs 29.11; P=.03), and avoidance of physical activity (12.07 vs 9.28; P=.01) scores, but there was an increase in the disability score (6.08 vs 7.5; P=.01). No significant differences between the groups or sessions were found in heart rate variability resting-state data, electroencephalographic data from the Eriksen flanker task, PPTs, subjective ratings, or cognitive performance. Conclusions: Both intervention modalities increased mainly beta activity at rest and improved psychological functioning. Given the limitations of our study, conclusions must be drawn carefully and further research will be needed. Nevertheless, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first study reporting electroencephalographic changes in patients with CLBP after an mHealth intervention. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT04576611; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04576611 %M 35289758 %R 10.2196/29171 %U https://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2022/3/e29171 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/29171 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35289758