JMIR出版公司(JMIR Publications Inc.) %V卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 %N % 3 %P % 37 %T FoodSwitch:一个手机应用程序,使消费者做出更健康的食品选择和国家食品成分数据的众包%A Dunford,Elizabeth %A Trevena,Helen %A Goodsell,Chester %A Ng,Ka Hung %A Webster,Jacqui %A Millis,Audra %A Goldstein,Stan %A Hugueniot,Orla %A Neal,Bruce %+乔治全球健康研究所,食品政策部,邮政信箱M201 Missenden Rd, Camperdown, 2050,澳大利亚,61智能手机技术交通信号灯标签食品选择公共卫生营养加工食品背景:包装正面营养标签(FoPL)方案可以帮助消费者了解食品的营养成分,并有助于选择更健康的食品。然而,大多数包装食品在澳大利亚没有携带易于解释的FoPL,没有标准的FoPL系统尚未被强制执行。大约三分之二的澳大利亚人现在拥有智能手机。目的:我们试图开发一款手机应用程序,为消费者提供易于理解的营养信息,并在购买食物时支持更健康的选择。方法:现有的品牌食品数据库包括17,000澳大利亚包装食品支持该项目。开发、审查和测试的迭代过程被用来定义一个可以传递营养信息的用户界面。一个平行的过程确定了根据营养成分对食物进行排序的最佳方法,这样就可以推荐更健康的替代产品。结果:条形码扫描技术被确定为手机与食品数据库交互的最佳机制。 Traffic light labels were chosen as the preferred format for presenting nutritional information, and the Food Standards Australia New Zealand nutrient profiling method as the best strategy for identifying healthier products. The resulting FoodSwitch mobile phone app was launched in Australia in January 2012 and was downloaded by about 400,000 users in the first 18 months. FoodSwitch has maintained a 4-plus star rating, and more than 2000 users have provided feedback about the functionality. Nutritional information for more than 30,000 additional products has been obtained from users through a crowdsourcing function integrated within the app. Conclusions: FoodSwitch has empowered Australian consumers seeking to make better food choices. In parallel, the huge volume of crowdsourced data has provided a novel means for low-cost, real-time tracking of the nutritional composition of Australian foods. There appears to be significant opportunity for this approach in many other countries. %M 25147135 %R 10.2196/mhealth.3230 %U %U %U