% 0期刊文章% @ 2291 - 5222 V %我JMIR出版物I卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析nc . % 3% 1% N P e4 % T移动技术的应用为提高扩大免疫规划在高地的少数民族和无状态的人群在泰国北部边境% Kaewkungwal, Jaranit % Apidechkul, Tawatchai % Jandee, Kasemsak % Khamsiriwatchara, Amnat % Lawpoolsri, Saranath % Sawang, Surasak % Sangvichean, Aumnuyphan % Wansatid, Peerawat % Krongrungroj, Sarinya % +卓越中心的生物医学和公共卫生信息学(生物医学),玛希隆大学热带医学院,国王陛下登基60周年纪念大楼,泰国曼谷Ratchathewi Ratchawithi路420/6号3 - 4楼,邮编:10400,泰国,66 23549181,jaranitk@biophics.org %K扩大免疫计划%K EPI %K山地部落%K无国籍%K行为改变沟通%K移动技术%D 2015 %7 14.01.2015 %9原始论文%J JMIR mHealth uHealth %G英文%X背景:对少数民族/无国籍人群中未接种疫苗儿童的研究强调了在个人、社区和州一级存在的重大障碍。这些包括与地理有关的困难、贫困和社会规范/信仰。目的:本研究的目的是评估有关免疫覆盖率的项目成果,以及孕产妇对免疫的态度和做法。方法:“无国籍”项目在泰国-缅甸-老挝边境地区开展,采用基于手机的机制,通过结合手机间信息共享来进行识别和预防,以提高免疫覆盖率。由于本研究仅针对资源匮乏地区的弱势群体进行研究,故在不设对照组的情况下进行了前后评价。免疫覆盖率从常规月度报告中收集,行为改变结果从重复调查中收集。结果:本研究揭示了该倡议对病例识别的潜在好处;免疫覆盖率呈提高趋势。 Prevention strategies were successfully integrated into the routine health care workflows of immunization activities at point-of-care. A behavior-change-communication package contributes significantly in raising both concern and awareness in relation to child care. Conclusions: The mobile technology has proven to be an effective mechanism in improving a children’s immunization program among these hard-to-reach populations. Part of the intervention has now been revised for use at health centers across the country. %M 25589367 %R 10.2196/mhealth.3704 %U http://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2015/1/e4/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/mhealth.3704 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25589367