使用多传感器臂带在澳大利亚年轻女性中进行基础体温测量;卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析比较观察研究%A Wark,John D %A Henningham,Lucy %A Gorelik,Alexandra %A Jayasinghe,Yasmin %A Hartley,Stefanie %A Garland,Suzanne Marie %+墨尔本大学,墨尔本皇家医院医学系,Grattan Street, Parkville, 3052, Australia, 61 3 9342 7109, jdwark@unimelb.edu.au %K基础体温%K年轻女性健康倡议%K BodyMedia SenseWear %K排卵%K月经周期,背景:月经周期是育龄妇女健康状况的一个关键标志。监测排卵在涉及年轻妇女的健康研究中是有用的。基础体温的上升在排卵后不久就会发生,并持续到下一次月经,这是一个潜在的有用的排卵标志,已在临床和研究环境中得到利用。目的:通过分析BodyMedia SenseWear (BMSW)与数字口腔体温计测量的基础体温的相关性和一致性,探讨BMSW在监测年轻女性排卵中的实用性。方法:采用Kappa统计来确定两种设备在每种分析形式下对每个参与者的排卵检测的一致性。参与者还完成了一份在线问卷,评估两种设备的可接受性。结果:我们招募了16名参与者,其中15名提供了可分析的数据(11名非OCP使用者,4名OCP使用者)。在5个不同的时间间隔内,体温计和BMSW的平均温度测量值之间存在弱到中等的相关性。 However, no agreement between methods was observed using Bland-Altman plots. There was a significant difference in the range of temperatures that each device recorded (thermometer: 35.3-37.2°C, BMSW: 29.7-36.7°C) with BMSW temperatures significantly lower than thermometer temperatures: mean 34.6°C (SD 1.2) versus 36.4°C (SD 0.3) respectively, P<.001. Poor agreement was observed between devices under quantitative analysis of ovulation while fair agreement was observed under visual analysis. Under both quantitative and visual analysis, there was 0% agreement for evidence of ovulation. Conclusions: This study demonstrated the importance of evaluating biomeasures collected using mobile monitoring devices by comparison with standard methods. It revealed a relatively poor correlation between BMSW and oral thermometer temperature readings and suggested that BMSW is unlikely to detect an upward shift in basal body temperature. Participant behavior suggested poor compliance in the use of BMSW for basal temperature measurement and that the basal body temperature method may not be suitable for use in unselected samples of young women. There is a need for research tools for monitoring ovulation that are simple, self-administered, and inexpensive, yet appealing to young women. %M 26441468 %R 10.2196/mhealth.4263 %U http://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2015/4/e94/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/mhealth.4263 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26441468