研究:年轻黑人男性同性性行为中地理社交网络应用的使用特征卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析美国南部多城市横断面调查-邓肯、达斯汀·帕克、苏现·汉布里克、罗兹·丹杰菲尔德、德里克·格德尔、威廉·布鲁尔、拉塞尔·米格巴科、奥弗尔·林塞、约瑟夫·里根、肖恩·希克森、德马克·A +空间流行病学实验室,纽约大学医学院人口健康学系,纽约,纽约州,10016,东30街227号,621室,1 646 501 2674,dustin.duncan@nyumc.org % K MSM艾滋病预防% K黑色% K约会应用% K同性恋% K男性% K与男性发生性关系的男性% K移动应用% K手机% D原始论文7 14.06.2018 % 9 2018% % J JMIR Mhealth Uhealth % G英语% X背景:了解在哪里以及如何年轻黑人男性行为(YBMSM)在美国南部满足他们的性伙伴是理解底层有密切关系的因素导致这个社区的艾滋病毒的传播。男男性行为者(MSM)通常使用地理社交网络应用程序与性伴侣见面。然而,缺乏研究地理社交网络应用程序在这一特定人群中的使用情况的文献。目的:我们的目的是研究美国南部使用地理社交网络应用程序的YBMSM的地理多样性样本的特征、偏好和行为。方法:数据收集自三个城市(密西西比州Gulfport;密西西比州杰克逊的;以及路易斯安那州的新奥尔良)。我们对地理社交网络应用使用的多个方面进行了评估,包括应用的总体使用情况、参与者首次使用应用的年龄、使用的特定应用、使用应用的原因、应用上展示的照片、登录时间和持续时间、发送和接收的信息数量,以及在应用上认识的合作伙伴的特征和行为。 Survey measures of app-met partner and sexual behavior characteristics assessed at midpoint (Day 7) and completion visits (Day 14) were compared using McNemar’s test or Wilcoxon signed-rank test. In addition, we assessed activity spaces derived from GPS devices that participants wore for 2 weeks. Results: Of the 70 participants who responded to the overall app-use item, almost three-quarters (53/70, 76%) had ever used geosocial networking apps. Jack’d was the most commonly used geosocial networking app (37/53, 70%), followed by Adam4Adam (22/53, 42%), and Grindr (19/53, 36%). The mean and median number of apps used were 4.3 (SD 2.7) and 4.0 (range 0-13), respectively. Most app-using participants displayed their face on the profile picture (35/52, 67%), whereas fewer displayed their bare legs (2/52, 4%) or bare buttocks (or ass; 2/52, 4%). The mean age at the initiation of app use was 20.1 years (SD 2.78) ranging from 13-26 years. Two-thirds (35/53, 66%) of the sample reported using the apps to “kill time” when bored. A minority (9/53, 17%) reported using the apps to meet people to have sex/hook up with. The vast majority of participants reported meeting black partners for sex. Over two-thirds (36/53, 68%) reported that the HIV status of their app-met partners was negative, and 26% (14/53) reported that they did not know their partner’s HIV status. There was a significant difference in GPS activity spaces between app using YBMSM compared to nonapp using YBMSM (2719.54 km2 vs 1855.68 km2, P=.011). Conclusions: Use of geosocial networking apps to meet sexual partners among our sample of YBMSM in the southern United States was common, with a diverse range of app use behaviors being reported. Further research should characterize the association between geosocial networking app use and engagement in sexual behaviors that increase risk for HIV acquisition and transmission. In addition, geosocial networking apps present a promising platform for HIV prevention interventions targeting YBMSM who use these apps. %M 29903702 %R 10.2196/10316 %U http://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2018/6/e10316/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/10316 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29903702