期刊文章JMIR出版物对渴望戒烟应用程序和年轻成年吸烟者的影响卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析支持性定性案例研究%A Struik,Laura L %A Bottorff,Joan L %A Baskerville,Neill Bruce %A Oliffe,John L %+人口健康影响研究中心,滑铁卢大学应用健康科学学院,滑铁卢大学西大街200号,安大略省,N2L 3G1,加拿大,1 2508647879,laura.struik@uwaterloo.ca智能手机戒烟青少年定性研究社会理论研究背景:手机应用程序已经成为接触年轻成年吸烟者的一种有前途的方式,因为他们的手机拥有率很高,并且愿意通过数字技术接受戒烟支持。尽管越来越多的证据表明,戒烟应用程序是减少年轻人吸烟的有效途径,但缺乏捕捉最终用户观点的形成性评估研究。目的:本研究的目的是在考虑性别影响的情况下,为理解年轻人如何与Crush The Crave (CTC)应用程序互动,以及这种互动如何影响年轻人的戒烟经历和实践提供见解。方法:对31名年轻成年CTC终端用户进行半结构化访谈。在社会物质理论和功能支持方法的指导下,对数据进行归纳分析,得出与CTC对戒烟努力的影响相关的专题发现,并揭示导致这些结果的潜在功能支持(机制)。研究结果根据CTC的4个设计组成部分进行分组:可信度、社会支持、任务支持和对话支持。结果:CTC的可信度成分在获得年轻人的信任方面发挥了重要作用,因为它在帮助他们戒烟的潜在有效性方面给予了他们承诺。社会支持部分涉及各种最终用户的做法和经验,使这方面成为支持戒烟努力的最薄弱部分。 Although most functions situated in the task and dialogue support components were found to be helpful, there were a few affordances in CTC that resulted in negative experiences, notably weaning from smoking. Gender-related influences were also evident. For example, young men preferred to control and self-manage their quitting and, therefore, did not engage with functions that afforded journaling or reminding to stay on track. Women, in contrast, were more likely to benefit from these affordances. Conclusions: An affordances approach is productive for gaining an in-depth understanding of how mobile apps interact with end-users to lend to particular outcomes. The study findings have implications for developing and improving apps for helping young adults quit smoking, as well as apps that target other health behaviors. Productive affordances may also serve as a framework for leveraging apps for smoking cessation. %M 29884602 %R 10.2196/mhealth.9489 %U http://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2018/6/e134/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/mhealth.9489 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29884602