使用Fever Coach移动应用程序计算的儿童疫苗接种后发热反应率卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析回顾性观察研究%A Ahn,Sang Hyun %A Zhiang,Jooho %A Kim,Hyery %A Chang,Seyun %A Shin,Jaewon %A Kim, mingchan %A Lee,Yura %A Lee,Jae-Ho %A Park,Yu Rang %+延世大学医学院生物医学系统信息学系,首尔西大门区延世路50-1号,韩国,03722,82 2228 2493yurangpark@yuhs.ac %K患者生成的健康数据%K疫苗接种%K疫苗接种后发热%K数字医疗保健%K移动应用程序%D 2019 %7 22.04.2019 %9背景:疫苗接种后发热是一种轻度不良事件,可自然改善,无并发症,但非常普遍,在某些情况下可伴有发热惊厥。这些不良影响可能导致父母推迟或避免给孩子接种疫苗。目的:本研究旨在通过一款名为fever Coach的移动应用程序收集的数据,确定疫苗接种后的发烧模式以及退烧药对这些模式变化的影响。方法:利用发热儿童家长提供的手机应用“Fever Coach”提供的数据,根据疫苗接种和退烧药的使用情况,确定疫苗接种后的发热模式。我们选择了单次接种记录,其中包含在接种48小时内进行的5次或更多次体温读数,我们分析了接种后发烧的发生、抵消、持续时间和最高体温。通过观察疫苗接种后的发热反应,我们确定了退烧药对疫苗接种后发热的发病、消退和持续时间的影响;发烧程度;以及下降的速度。 We also performed logistic regression analysis to determine demographic variables (age, weight, and sex) involved in relatively high fevers (body temperature ≥39°C). Results: The total number of Fever Coach users was 25,037, with 3834 users having entered single vaccination records, including 4448 vaccinations and 55,783 body temperature records. Most records were obtained from children receiving the following vaccinations: pneumococcus (n=2069); Japanese encephalitis (n=911); influenza (n=669); diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (n=403); and hepatitis A (n=252). According to the 4448 vaccination records, 3427 (77.05%) children had taken antipyretic drugs, and 3238 (89.15%) children took antibiotics at body temperatures above 38°C. The number of children taking antipyretics at a body temperature of 38°C was more than four times that of those taking antipyretics at 37.9°C (307 vs 67 cases). The number of instances in which this temperature threshold was reached was more than four times greater than the number when the temperature was 37.9°C. A comparative analysis of antipyretic and nonantipyretic cases showed there was no difference in onset time; however, offset and duration times were significantly shorter in nonantipyretic cases than in antipyretic cases (P<.001). In nonantipyretic cases, offset times and duration times were 9.9 and 10.1 hours shorter, respectively, than in antipyretic cases. Body temperatures also decreased faster in nonantipyretic cases. Influenza vaccine-associated fevers lasted relatively longer, whereas pneumococcus vaccine-associated fevers were relatively short-lived. Conclusions: These findings suggest that postvaccination fever has its own fever pattern, which is dependent on vaccine type and the presence of antipyretic drugs, and that postvaccination temperature monitoring may ease fever phobia and reduce the unnecessary use of antipyretics in medical care. %M 31008712 %R 10.2196/12223 %U http://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2019/4/e12223/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/12223 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31008712