日常生活中处方药滥用调查方法的发展与可接受性卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析生态瞬间评估研究%A Papp,Lauren M %A Barringer,Alexandra %A Blumenstock,Shari M %A Gu,Pamela %A Blaydes,Madison %A Lam,Jaime %A Kouros,Chrystyna D %+威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校人类发展与家庭研究系,麦迪逊林登大道1300号,威斯康星州麦迪逊,53706,美国,1 608 262 8611,papp@wisc.edu %K合规性%K生态瞬时评价%K处方药滥用%K年轻人%D 2020 %7 1.10.2020 %9背景:处方药误用和滥用是一个既定的公共卫生挑战,年轻人尤其受到影响。在实际滥用时,评估滥用意图和其他促发因素的实时、自然的数据收集明显缺乏,使得个人最有可能滥用处方药的条件未知。旨在捕获这些信息的生态瞬时评估(EMA)应用程序和协议将加速和扩大知识库,并可以直接为预防和治疗工作做出贡献。目的:本研究的目的是描述旨在收集日常生活中与大学生处方药滥用意图和行为相关的实时因素的移动应用程序和EMA协议的开发和管理;在筛查时认可近期处方药滥用的参与者(即风险组)目前与EMA方案相关的完成率、依从性、可接受性和反应性;N =300)和没有(即无风险组;n = 55);并通过将EMA应用程序收集的日常生活中滥用行为报告与标准调查中报告的处方药滥用联系起来,建立初始结构效度。 Methods: An EMA data collection app and protocol were designed specifically to capture hypothesized contextual factors along with prescription drug misuse intentions and behaviors in daily life. Using this protocol, young adult college students (N=352) completed signal- and event-contingent reports over a 28-day period. When the intention to misuse a prescription drug was endorsed, a brief follow-up prompt was sent 15 min later to collect participants’ indications of whether or not misuse had occurred. Results: Risk-group participants were significantly more likely than nonrisk counterparts to endorse any prescription drug misuse intentions in daily life (P<.001), to complete one or more follow-up reports (P<.001), and to endorse any prescription drug misuse behavior in daily life on the follow-ups (P<.001). Overall, participants demonstrated consistent engagement with the EMA procedures and returned an average of 74.5 (SD 23.82; range 10-122) reports. Participants in the risk and nonrisk groups did not differ in the number of reports they completed (P=.12), the number of their reporting days (P=.32), or their average completion rates (P=.14). The results indicated some evidence of reactivity to the momentary reporting procedure. Participants reported uniformly positive experiences and remained highly engaged throughout the reporting protocol and broader study. Conclusions: The novel EMA app and protocol provide an effective way to assess real-time factors associated with prescription drug misuse intentions and behaviors in daily life. The resulting investigations offer the potential to provide highly translatable information for research and prevention efforts. %M 32877351 %R 10.2196/21676 %U https://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2020/10/e21676 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/21676 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32877351