以公民为中心的移动健康应用程序收集传染病管理的个人层面空间数据;卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析范围审查%A Wirth,Felix Nikolaus %A Johns,Marco %A Meurers,Thierry %A Prasser,Fabian %+柏林卫生研究所,德国柏林,10117,49 15773326360,felix-nikolaus.wirth@charite.de %K大流行%K流行病%K传染病管理%K移动应用程序%K自动数字接触者追踪%K流动性追踪%K爆发检测%K基于地点的风险评估%K公共卫生%K信息学%K应用程序%K传染病%K COVID-19 %K回顾%D 2020 %7 10.11.2020 %9回顾% jjmir移动健康Uhealth %G英语%X背景:新型冠状病毒SARS-CoV-2在全球迅速传播,引起COVID-19疾病。为了遏制病毒,人们对使用移动应用程序(如自动数字接触者追踪)进行参与性监测寄予很大希望,但广泛采用是相关干预措施有效的重要先决条件。数据保护方面是采用的关键因素,所开发的解决方案的隐私风险通常需要与其功能相平衡。这反映在公众和科学界对隐私保护方法的激烈讨论上。目标:我们的目标是为当前的讨论提供信息,并支持制定解决方案,在隐私保护和大流行控制之间实现最佳平衡。为此,我们对以公民为中心的监测解决方案的现有文献进行了系统分析,收集了个人层面的空间数据。我们的主要假设是,以下维度之间存在依赖关系:支持的用例、用于收集空间数据的技术、关注的特定疾病以及实施的数据保护措施。方法:我们搜索PubMed和IEEE explore,并将传染病管理领域的术语与描述空间监测技术的术语结合起来搜索字符串,以确定2010年至2020年间发表的研究。 After a two-step eligibility assessment process, 27 articles were selected for the final analysis. We collected data on the four dimensions described as well as metadata, which we then analyzed by calculating univariate and bivariate frequency distributions. Results: We identified four different use cases, which focused on individual surveillance and public health (most common: digital contact tracing). We found that the solutions described were highly specialized, with 89% (24/27) of the articles covering one use case only. Moreover, we identified eight different technologies used for collecting spatial data (most common: GPS receivers) and five different diseases covered (most common: COVID-19). Finally, we also identified six different data protection measures (most common: pseudonymization). As hypothesized, we identified relationships between the dimensions. We found that for highly infectious diseases such as COVID-19 the most common use case was contact tracing, typically based on Bluetooth technology. For managing vector-borne diseases, use cases require absolute positions, which are typically measured using GPS. Absolute spatial locations are also important for further use cases relevant to the management of other infectious diseases. Conclusions: We see a large potential for future solutions supporting multiple use cases by combining different technologies (eg, Bluetooth and GPS). For this to be successful, however, adequate privacy-protection measures must be implemented. Technologies currently used in this context can probably not offer enough protection. We, therefore, recommend that future solutions should consider the use of modern privacy-enhancing techniques (eg, from the area of secure multiparty computing and differential privacy). %M 33074833 %R 10.2196/22594 %U http://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2020/11/e22594/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/22594 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33074833