使用作者加权方案在JMIR mHealth和uHealth上发表论文的卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析被引次数最多的作者:文献测量学分析[A Kan, A Wei-Chih, A Chou,Willy, A qian, tsar - wei, A Yeh,Yu-Tsen, A pohsin] +国立阳明大学医学院,台北北投区石牌路2段201号18楼,886 228757557,choupohsin@gmail.com % K中间性中心% K作者协作% K谷歌地图% K社会网络分析% K知识概念图% K author-weighted计划% D原始论文7 7.5.2020 % 9 2020% % J JMIR Mhealth Uhealth % G英语% X背景:许多文章被引用之前的论文调查多或学者中最多产的作家,但是很少有研究作者引述。这样做面临两个挑战,一个是一些不同的作者在文献计量数据中会有相同的名字,另一个是文章署名中共同作者的贡献不同。没有研究处理文献计量数据中重复名称的问题。虽然中间中心性(BC)是社会网络分析(SNA)中最流行的密度度之一,但很少有人应用BC算法来解释网络的特征。必须使用定量方案来计算加权作者学分,然后将这些指标应用于比较。目的:本研究旨在应用BC算法检查网络中可能相同的名称,并报告与国际移动健康(mHealth)研究相关的期刊中被引用最多的作者。方法:基于关键词“JMIR mHealth and uHealth”(Journal),检索Medline 2018年6月30日的医学文献摘要676篇。记录作者姓名、国家/地区和作者定义的关键词。 The BCs were then calculated for the following: (1) the most-cited authors displayed on Google Maps; (2) the geographical distribution of countries/areas for the first author; and (3) the keywords dispersed by BC and related to article topics in comparison on citation indices. Pajek software was used to yield the BC for each entity (or node). Bibliometric indices, including h-, g-, and x-indexes, the mean of core articles on g(Ag)=sum (citations on g-core/publications on g-core), and author impact factor (AIF), were applied. Results: We found that the most-cited author was Sherif M Badawy (from the United States), who had published six articles on JMIR mHealth and uHealth with high bibliometric indices (h=3; AIF=8.47; x=4.68; Ag=5.26). We also found that the two countries with the highest BC were the United States and the United Kingdom and that the two keyword clusters of mHealth and telemedicine earned the highest indices in comparison to other counterparts. All visual representations were successfully displayed on Google Maps. Conclusions: The most cited authors were selected using the authorship-weighted scheme (AWS), and the keywords of mHealth and telemedicine were more highly cited than other counterparts. The results on Google Maps are novel and unique as knowledge concept maps for understanding the feature of a journal. The research approaches used in this study (ie, BC and AWS) can be applied to other bibliometric analyses in the future. %M 32379053 %R 10.2196/11567 %U https://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2020/5/e11567 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/11567 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32379053