“公羊有心脏,一款追踪活动和水果蔬菜消费的移动应用程序,支持大学生心血卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析管健康”开发和可用性研究%A Krzyzanowski,Michelle C %A Kizakevich,Paul N %A Duren-Winfield,Vanessa %A Eckhoff,Randall %A Hampton,Joel %A Blackman Carr,Loneke %A McCauley,Georgia %A Roberson,Kristina B %A Onsomu,Elijah O %A Williams,John %A Price,Amanda Alise %+ RTI International, Conwallis Rd 3040, Research Triangle Park, NC, 27709, United States, 1919485 5648,mkrzyzanowski@rti.org运动心血管疾病日记饮食移动健康手机移动健康背景:随着越来越多的人使用移动设备访问互联网,作为应用程序的主要计算系统,移动健康应用程序提供自我保健建议的市场越来越大。例如,它们在饮食和健康追踪方面的有效性需要检验。大多数美国成年人没有达到每日健康行为的建议。在一个可控的环境中测试用户对应用程序的参与度,可以让我们深入了解专注于改善饮食和锻炼的应用程序哪些是有效的,哪些是无效的。目的:我们开发了一款名为Rams Have Heart的移动应用程序,以支持心血管疾病(CVD)的干预过程。该应用程序全天跟踪健康行为,包括水果和蔬菜的消费以及身体活动。本文旨在展示其功能,并评估非裔美国大学生群体的依从性。方法:采用个人健康信息与干预工具包软件框架开发应用程序。 Rams Have Heart integrates self-reported health screening with health education, diary tracking, and user feedback modules to acquire data and assess progress. The parent study, conducted at a historically black college and university-designated institution in southeastern United States, consisted of a semester-long intervention administered as an academic course in the fall, for 3 consecutive years. Changes were made after the cohort 1 pilot study, so results only include cohorts 2 and 3, comprising a total of 115 students (n=55 intervention participants and n=54 control participants) aged from 17 to 24 years. Data collected over the study period were transferred using the secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure protocol and stored in a secure Structured Query Language server database accessible only to authorized persons. SAS software was used to analyze the overall app usage and the specific results collected. Results: Of the 55 students in the intervention group, 27 (49%) students in cohort 2 and 25 (45%) in cohort 3 used the Rams Have Heart app at least once. Over the course of the fall semester, app participation dropped off gradually until exam week when most students no longer participated. The average fruit and vegetable intake increased slightly, and activity levels decreased over the study period. Conclusions: Rams Have Heart was developed to allow daily tracking of fruit and vegetable intake and physical activity to support a CVD risk intervention for a student demographic susceptible to obesity, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. We conducted an analysis of app usage, function, and user results. Although a mobile app provides privacy and flexibility for user participation in a research study, Rams Have Heart did not improve compliance or user outcomes. Health-oriented research studies relying on apps in support of user goals need further evaluation. %M 32755883 %R 10.2196/15156 %U https://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2020/8/e15156 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/15156 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32755883