使用W@W-App和MetaWearC传感器监测办公人员的坐、站、走卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析验证研究%A Bort-Roig,Judit %A chirveches - prez,Emilia %A Garcia-Cuyàs,Francesc %A Dowd,Kieran P %A Puig-Ribera,Anna %+体育与身体活动研究小组,维克中央大学加泰罗尼亚大学健康与社会护理研究中心,米哈伊维尔Martí i Pol, 1,维克,08500,西班牙,34 938863342,annam.puig@uvic.cat %K效度%K自我监测%K久坐行为%K身体活动%K智能手机%K手机%K基于设备的测量%D 2020 %7 4.8.2020 %9背景:用积极的任务取代职业久坐时间对办公室员工的健康有几个好处。手机和运动传感器可以提供职业坐姿行为的实时客观信息。然而,使用移动健康(mHealth)设备量化和修改职业久坐时间的有效性和可行性尚不清楚。目的:本研究的目的是验证新的Walk@Work-Application (W@W-App) -包括一个附加在大腿上的外部运动传感器(MetaWearC) -用于测量在自由生活条件下的职业坐姿,站立和行走,而activPAL3M是目前的黄金标准,基于设备的姿势行为测量。方法:共20例上班族,其中女性16例[80%];平均年龄39.5岁,SD 8.1岁)下载W@W-App到他们的手机上,用定制的手环将MetaWearC传感器固定在大腿上,并连续3-8小时佩戴activPAL3M。使用配对样本t检验和Wilcoxon符号秩检验来检验两种测量方法之间的差异。采用一致性相关系数(CCCs)、95% ci、Bland-Altman图(平均偏倚、95%一致性限[LoA])和等效检验技术检查测量之间的一致性。 Results: The median recording time for the W@W-App+MetaWearC and the activPAL3M was 237.5 (SD 132.8) minutes and 240.0 (SD 127.5) minutes, respectively (P<.001). No significant differences between sitting (P=.53), standing (P=.12), and stepping times (P=.61) were identified. The CCC identified substantial agreement between both measures for sitting (CCC=0.98, 95% CI 0.96-0.99), moderate agreement for standing (CCC=0.93, 95% CI 0.81-0.97), and poor agreement for stepping (CCC=0.74, 95% CI 0.47-0.88). Bland-Altman plots indicated that sitting time (mean bias –1.66 minutes, 95% LoA –30.37 to 20.05) and standing time (mean bias –4.85 minutes, 95% LoA –31.31 to 21.62) were underreported. For stepping time, a positive mean bias of 1.15 minutes (95% LoA –15.11 to 17.41) was identified. Equivalence testing demonstrated that the estimates obtained from the W@W-App+MetaWearC and the activPAL3M were considered equivalent for all variables excluding stepping time. Conclusions: The W@W-App+MetaWearC is a low-cost tool with acceptable levels of accuracy that can objectively quantify occupational sitting, standing, stationary, and upright times in real time. Due to the availability of real-time feedback for users, this tool can positively influence occupational sitting behaviors in future interventions. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT04092738; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04092738 %M 32459625 %R 10.2196/15338 %U https://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2020/8/e15338 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/15338 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32459625