TY -非盟的Suh Myung-Whan盟——公园、Moo Kyun AU -金,Yoonjoong AU -金,年轻Ho PY - 2023 DA - 2023/1/12 TI -智能基于耳鸣的治疗结果再培训疗法:前瞻性队列研究乔- JMIR Mhealth Uhealth SP - e38986六世- 11千瓦耳鸣KW -治疗耳鸣培训KW -智能设备KW -声音疗法KW -康复千瓦疗法KW -平板电脑应用程序千瓦app-based KW -数字疗法KW -基于治疗AB -背景:耳鸣再训练疗法(TRT)是耳鸣的标准治疗方法,包括指导咨询和声音治疗。然而,它是基于面对面的教育和一个耗时的协议。基于智能设备的TRT (Smart -TRT)似乎有很多优点,但这种新疗法的疗效一直受到质疑。目的:本研究的目的是比较智能TRT和常规TRT (convt -TRT)的疗效。方法:选取84例耳鸣患者。结果比较了42名接受smart-TRT治疗的患者和42名接受反trt治疗的对照组。在smart- trt组中使用交互式智能pad应用程序进行指导咨询。智能pad的应用包括耳部解剖、耳鸣神经生理模型、习惯化概念和声音治疗的详细教育。smart-TRT是双向的:每节课之间有17道选择题作为临时检查。 The conv-TRT group underwent traditional person-to-person counseling. The primary outcome measure was the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI), and the secondary outcome measure was assessed using a visual analogue scale (VAS). Results: Both treatments had a significant treatment effect, which comparably improved during the first 2 months. The best improvements in THI were –23.3 (95% CI –33.1 to –13.4) points at 3 months and –16.8 (95% CI –30.8 to –2.8) points at 2 months in the smart-TRT group and conv-TRT group, respectively. The improvements on the VAS were also comparable: smart-TRT group: –1.2 to –3.3; conv-TRT: –0.7 to –1.7. Conclusions: TRT based on smart devices can be an effective alternative for tinnitus patients. Considering the amount of time needed for person-to-person counseling, smart-TRT can be a cost-effective solution with similar treatment outcomes as conv-TRT. SN - 2291-5222 UR - https://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2023/1/e38986 UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/38986 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36633890 DO - 10.2196/38986 ID - info:doi/10.2196/38986 ER -