TY - JOUR AU - Mercer, Kathryn AU - Baskerville, Neill AU - Burns, Catherine M AU - Chang, Feng AU - Giangregorio, Lora AU - Tomasson Goodwin, Jill AU - Sadat Rezai, Leila AU - Grindrod,凯利PY - 2015 DA - 2015/02/10 TI -使用一个合作研究方法来开发一个跨学科的研究议程为移动卫生干预措施的研究老年人乔- JMIR mHealth uHealth SP - e11六世- 3 - 1 KW - mHealth KW -移动健康KW -名义群体技术千瓦参与式研究:合作研究KW——老年人KW -研究KW -老年人AB -背景:老年人和慢性病通常被称为自己管理自己的条件。移动医疗(mHealth)工具可能是一种有用的策略,可以帮助老年人在决策时获取健康信息,接受实时反馈和指导,并监测健康状况。然而,为老年人开发成功的移动医疗干预措施面临许多挑战。关键挑战之一是确保可能的研究问题的范围包括老年人、专家和支持老年人管理慢性病的利益相关者团体的不同观点。目的:我们的主要目的是提出一个跨学科研究议程发展的合作研究方法的案例研究。我们的次要目标是报告名义群体技术(NGT)方法产生研究问题的结果,并评估纳入非学术研究人员以丰富可能研究问题的范围、优先级和总数的成功程度。方法:我们邀请研究人员和利益相关者参加一整天的会议,包括研究人员、卫生保健专业人员、技术专家、患者和社区团体的快速式演讲,然后进行小组讨论。NGT用于就以下问题建立群体共识:在您看来,需要做哪些研究来更好地了解老年人移动健康应用程序和设备的有效性、可用性和设计?结果:总体而言,协作方法是一个非常成功的策略,它将具有相同最终目标的不同参与者群体聚集在一起。 The 32 participants generated 119 items in total. The top three research questions that emerged from the NGT were related to adoption, the need for high quality tools and the digital divide. Strong sub-themes included privacy and security, engagement and design. The NGT also helped us include the perspectives information from non-academic researchers that would not have been captured if the process had been limited to the research team. Conclusions: Developing ways for patients and other stakeholders to have a voice when it comes to developing patient awareness as related to mHealth may guide future research into engagement, ownership, usability and design. It is our intention that our paper be used and adapted by other researchers to engage small or vulnerable populations often excluded from mHealth research and design. SN - 2291-5222 UR - http://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2015/1/e11/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/mhealth.3509 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25669321 DO - 10.2196/mhealth.3509 ID - info:doi/10.2196/mhealth.3509 ER -