TY -非盟的Eno安K盟——托马斯·阿尔文·G盟——皱,杰西卡·米非盟- Van Pilsum Rasmussen,莎拉·E AU - Halpern,萨曼莎E AU - Waldram,玛德琳米非盟- Muzaale Abimereki D AU -珀内尔,Tanjala AU -宏伟,艾伦B非盟- Garonzik Wang杰奎琳·M AU -间苯二胺,克里斯塔L AU -戈夫Dorry L AU -亨德森Macey L PY - 2018 DA - 2018/10/09 TI -评估态度和看法关于移动医疗技术的使用活体肾脏捐赠追问:调查研究JO - JMIR Mhealth SP - e11192 VL - 6 IS - 10 KW -随访KW -肾移植KW -活体肾供者KW -手机,Mhealth AB -背景:2013年,器官获取和移植网络开始要求美国的移植中心收集和报告捐献后活体肾供者6个月、1年和2年的随访数据。尽管有这一要求,但只有不到50%的移植中心能够收集和报告所需的数据。先前的工作确定了活体肾脏供者随访的一些障碍,包括移植中心的后勤和管理障碍以及供者的成本和功能障碍。基于智能手机的新型移动健康(mHealth)技术可能会减轻活体肾脏供体中心和供体随访的负担。然而,活体肾脏供者对将移动健康纳入捐赠后护理的态度和看法尚不清楚。了解捐赠者的态度和看法对于创建以患者为导向的移动医疗系统以改善美国活体捐赠者的随访至关重要。目的:本研究的目的是评估活体肾脏供者对使用移动健康进行随访的态度和看法。方法:我们对移植中心的100名活体肾供者进行了一项包含14个问题的横断面调查。所有参与者都是一项正在进行的关于活体肾供者长期结果的纵向研究的一部分。 The survey included questions on smartphone use, current health maintenance behaviors, accessibility to health information, and attitudes toward using mHealth for living kidney donor follow-up. Results: Of the 100 participants surveyed, 94 owned a smartphone (35 Android, 58 iPhone, 1 Blackberry), 37 had accessed their electronic medical record on their smartphone, and 38 had tracked their exercise and physical activity on their smartphone. While 77% (72/93) of participants who owned a smartphone and had asked a medical question in the last year placed the most trust with their doctors, nurses, or other health care professionals regarding answering a health-related question, 52% (48/93) most often accessed health information elsewhere. Overall, 79% (74/94) of smartphone-owning participants perceived accessing living kidney donor information and resources on their smartphone as useful. Additionally, 80% (75/94) perceived completing some living kidney donor follow-up via mHealth as useful. There were no significant differences in median age (60 vs 59 years; P=.65), median years since donation (10 vs 12 years; P=.45), gender (36/75, 36%, vs 37/75, 37%, male; P=.57), or race (70/75, 93%, vs 18/19, 95%, white; P=.34) between those who perceived mHealth as useful for living kidney donor follow-up and those who did not, respectively. Conclusions: Overall, smartphone ownership was high (94/100, 94.0%), and 79% (74/94) of surveyed smartphone-owning donors felt that it would be useful to complete their required follow-up with an mHealth tool, with no significant differences by age, sex, or race. These results suggest that patients would benefit from an mHealth tool to perform living donor follow-up. SN - 2291-5222 UR - http://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2018/10/e11192/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/11192 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30305260 DO - 10.2196/11192 ID - info:doi/10.2196/11192 ER -