TY -的盟德科特Elsbeth盟——Wiezer Noortje AU - Bakhuys Roozeboom, Maartje盟——Vink彼得盟——Kraaij韦塞尔PY - 2018 DA - 2018/10/03 TI -行为改变技术在移动医疗软件员工的身心健康:系统性评估乔- JMIR mHealth Uhealth SP - e167六世- 6 - 10 KW -行为改变技术KW - mHealth KW -心理健康KW -身体健康KW -生活KW -职场KW - app KW -员工KW - AB工作背景:雇员仍有出现身体和精神健康问题的风险。为了改善生活方式、健康和生产力,已经开发了许多工作场所干预措施。然而,并非所有这些干预措施都有效。支持健康行为改变的移动和无线技术(移动健康[mHealth]应用程序)是一个有前途的,但相对较新的职业设置领域。针对员工身心健康的移动健康应用的研究很少。如果干预措施植根于健康行为改变理论,则更有可能发挥作用。评估移动健康应用程序中行为改变技术(bct)的特定组合的存在可能被用作潜在质量和有效性的指标。目的:本研究的目的是评估用于员工身心健康的移动健康应用程序是否包含bct,如果包含,可以识别哪些bct以及存在哪些bct组合。方法:对旨在降低员工身体和心理工作需求风险、促进员工健康生活方式的应用程序进行评估。 A systematic search was performed in iTunes and Google Play. Forty-five apps were screened and downloaded. BCTs were identified using a taxonomy applied in similar reviews. The mean and ranges were calculated. Results: On average, the apps included 7 of the 26 BCTs (range 2-18). Techniques such as “provide feedback on performance,” “provide information about behavior-health link,” and “provide instruction” were used most frequently. Techniques that were used least were “relapse prevention,” “prompt self-talk,” “use follow-up prompts,” and “provide information about others’ approval.” “Stress management,” “prompt identification as a role model,” and “agree on behavioral contract” were not used by any of the apps. The combination “provide information about behavior-health link” with “prompt intention formation” was found in 7/45 (16%) apps. The combination “provide information about behavior-health link” with “provide information on consequences,” and “use follow-up prompts” was found in 2 (4%) apps. These combinations indicated potential effectiveness. The least potentially effective combination “provide feedback on performance” without “provide instruction” was found in 13 (29%) apps. Conclusions: Apps for the occupational setting might be substantially improved to increase potential since results showed a limited presence of BCTs in general, limited use of potentially successful combinations of BCTs in apps, and use of potentially unsuccessful combinations of BCTs. Increasing knowledge on the effectiveness of BCTs in apps might be used to develop guidelines for app developers and selection criteria for companies and individuals. Also, this might contribute to decreasing the burden of work-related diseases. To achieve this, app developers, health behavior change professionals, experts on physical and mental health, and end-users should collaborate when developing apps for the working context. SN - 2291-5222 UR - https://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2018/10/e167/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/mhealth.6363 DO - 10.2196/mhealth.6363 ID - info:doi/10.2196/mhealth.6363 ER -