TY -非盟的太阳,Jiangang盟——刘、杨PY - 2020 DA - 2020/8/5 TI -使用智能手镯来评估学生的心率在物理教育课程:可行性、可靠性、和有效性研究乔- Uhealth Mhealth JMIR SP - e17699六世- 8 - 8 KW -体育千瓦心率KW -验证KW -可行性KW -可靠性KW - Fizzo KW -极地KW -戴设备KW -体育课程KW -监控AB -背景:越来越多的腕戴式可穿戴设备正在接受医疗保健方面的检查。然而,关于它们在体育教学中的应用的研究仍然很少。目的:考察Fizzo智能手环(Fizzo)在实验室和体育课中测量心率(HR)的信度和效度。方法:在研究1中,11名健康受试者(中位年龄22.0岁,平均年龄3.75岁)两次完成一项测试,包括在跑步机上以6公里/小时的速度跑12分钟和12公里/小时的速度跑5分钟。在测试过程中,参与者分别在左右手腕上佩戴两个Fizzo设备来测量他们的人力资源。同时,将佩戴在胸前的Polar Team2 Pro (Polar)作为标配。在研究2中,我们去了10所学校,测量了24名学生(中位年龄14.0岁,IQR 2.0岁)在体育课上的HR。在体育课上,每个学生都在胸前佩戴Polar设备,右手腕佩戴Fizzo设备来测量HR数据。在体育课结束时,学生和他们的老师完成了一份调查问卷,以评估Fizzo的可行性。 The measurements taken by the left wrist Fizzo and the right wrist Fizzo were compared to estimate reliability, while the Fizzo measurements were compared to the Polar measurements to estimate validity. To measure reliability, intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC), mean difference (MD), standard error of measurement (SEM), and mean absolute percentage errors (MAPE) were used. To measure validity, ICC, limits of agreement (LOA), and MAPE were calculated and Bland-Altman plots were constructed. Percentage values were used to estimate the feasibility of Fizzo. Results: The Fizzo showed excellent reliability and validity in the laboratory and moderate validity in a PE lesson setting. In Study 1, reliability was excellent (ICC>0.97; MD<0.7; SEM<0.56; MAPE<1.45%). The validity as determined by comparing the left wrist Fizzo and right wrist Fizzo was excellent (ICC>0.98; MAPE<1.85%). Bland-Altman plots showed a strong correlation between left wrist Fizzo measurements (bias=0.48, LOA=–3.94 to 4.89 beats per minute) and right wrist Fizzo measurements (bias=0.56, LOA=–4.60 to 5.72 beats per minute). In Study 2, the validity of the Fizzo was lower compared to that found in Study 1 but still moderate (ICC>0.70; MAPE<9.0%). The Fizzo showed broader LOA in the Bland-Altman plots during the PE lessons (bias=–2.60, LOA=–38.89 to 33.69 beats per minute). Most participants considered the Fizzo very comfortable and easy to put on. All teachers thought the Fizzo was helpful. Conclusions: When participants ran on a treadmill in the laboratory, both left and right wrist Fizzo measurements were accurate. The validity of the Fizzo was lower in PE lessons but still reached a moderate level. The Fizzo is feasible for use during PE lessons. SN - 2291-5222 UR - http://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2020/8/e17699/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/17699 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32663136 DO - 10.2196/17699 ID - info:doi/10.2196/17699 ER -