TY - JOUR AU - Lamberigts, Marie AU - Van Hoof, Lucas AU - Proesmans, Tine AU - Vandervoort, Pieter AU - Grieten, Lars AU - Haemers, Peter AU - Rega, philip PY - 2021 DA - 2021/4/15 TI -基于光电体积描图的智能手机技术的心脏手术后远程心律监测:背景:房颤(atrial fibrillation, AF)是心脏手术后最常见的心律失常,但出院后发生心律失常的确切发生率和意义有待进一步明确。基于光电容积脉搏波(PPG)的智能手机应用程序是有前途的工具,可以实现心律失常的早期检测和随访。目的:通过使用基于ppg的智能手机应用程序,我们旨在更深入地了解心脏手术后出院时房颤和其他心律相关并发症的患病率,并评估该应用程序在常规临床护理中的实施情况。方法:在这项前瞻性的单中心试验中,要求心脏手术后康复的患者在出院后30天或60天内,每天使用美国食品和药物管理局批准的基于ppg的应用程序记录3次心律。排除永久性房颤或永久性起搏器患者。结果:纳入24例患者,平均年龄60.2岁,SD 12岁;15/23(65%男性),接受了冠状动脉搭桥术和/或瓣膜手术。住院期间,39%(9/23)发生术后房颤。出院后,PPG app报告5例患者房颤或心房扑动。虽然该应用程序通知了1名患者的扑动,但这是一个假阳性,因为心电图显示二度2:1房室传导阻滞,需要永久性起搏器。 AF was confirmed in 4 patients (4/23, 17%) and interestingly, was associated with an underlying postoperative complication in 2 participants (pneumonia n=1, pericardial tamponade n=1). A significant increase in the proportion of measurements indicating sinus rhythm was observed when comparing the first to the second month of follow-up (P<.001). In the second month of follow-up, compliance was significantly lower with 2.2 (SD 0.7) measurements per day versus 3.0 (SD 0.8) measurements per day in the first month (P=.002). The majority of participants (17/23, 74%), as well as the surveyed primary care physicians, experienced positive value by using the app as they felt more involved in the postoperative rehabilitation. Conclusions: Implementation of smartphone-based PPG technology enables detection of AF and other rhythm-related complications after cardiac surgery. An association between AF detection and an underlying complication was found in 2 patients. Therefore, smartphone-based PPG technology may supplement rehabilitation after cardiac surgery by acting as a sentinel for underlying complications, rhythm-related or otherwise. SN - 2291-5222 UR - https://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2021/4/e26519 UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/26519 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33856357 DO - 10.2196/26519 ID - info:doi/10.2196/26519 ER -