期刊文章%@ 2562-7600 %I JMIR出版物%V 5% N 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析1 %P 37631 %T数字技术和卫生保健专业人员的作用:在数字时代和新冠肺炎大流行背景下探索护士技能%A Isidori,Valentina %A Diamanti,Francesco %A Gios,Lorenzo %A Malfatti,Giulia %A Perini,Francesca %A Nicolini,Andrea %A Longhini,Jessica %A Forti,Stefano %A Fraschini,Federica %A Bizzarri,Giancarlo %A Brancorsini,Stefano %A Gaudino,Alessandro %+佩鲁贾大学医学和外科学系,Terni, 05100,意大利,39 3398830048,valeisi97@gmail.com %K护士在远程医疗中的作用%K远程护理%K新技术方法%K沟通和技术技能%K领导%K护理培训%K护理%K健康护理%K数字知识%K在线健康%K数字健康%K COVID-19 %K远程保健%K远程医疗%D 2022 %7 4.10.2022 %9回顾%J JMIR护理%G英语%X背景:在护士培训过程的改革之后,护士的角色发生了显著变化。如今,护士越来越多地接受培训,以促进和提高临床实践的质量,并在帮助患者和社区方面提供支持。由于在公共卫生领域引入新的颠覆性技术,机会和威胁正在出现,这要求卫生保健工作人员开发新的数字技能。目的:本文的目的是回顾和定义护士的作用,以及在不断发展的卫生保健场景中,他们被要求掌握的新方法方法和数字知识,越来越依赖于技术和数字解决方案。方法:使用以往研究的主题总结来进行这一范围审查。作者通过跨数据库搜索(PubMed、Web of Science、谷歌Scholar)收集了与影响护士角色的新型远程医疗方法有关的出版物,考虑到2011-2021年的时间跨度,因此包括了与COVID-19大流行第一阶段相关的经验和出版物。结果:评估在2021年4月至7月期间完成。在跨数据库搜索之后,作者回顾了60项研究。 The results obtained were organized into 5 emerging macro areas: (1) leadership (nurses are expected to show leadership capabilities when introducing new technologies in health care practices, considering their pivotal role in coordinating various professional figures and the patient), (2) soft skills (new communication skills, adaptiveness, and problem solving are needed to adapt the interaction to the level of digital skills and digital knowledge of the patient), (3) training (specific subjects need to be added to nursing training to boost the adoption of new communication and technological skills, enabling health care professionals to largely and effectively use new digital tools), (4) remote management of COVID-19 or chronic patients during the pandemic (a role that has proved to be fundamental is the community and family nurse and health care systems are adopting novel assistance models to support patients at home and to enable decentralization of services from hospitals to the territory), and (5) management of interpersonal relationships with patients through telemedicine (a person-centered approach with an open and sensitive attitude seems to be even more important in the framework of telemedicine where a face-to-face session is not possible and therefore nonverbal indicators are more problematic to be noticed). Conclusions: Further advancing nurses’ readiness in adopting telemedicine requires an integrated approach, including combination of technical knowledge, management abilities, soft skills, and communication skills. This scoping review provides a wide-ranging and general—albeit valuable—starting point to identify these core competences and better understand their implications in terms of present and future health care professionals’ roles. %M 36194466 %R 10.2196/37631 %U https://nursing.www.mybigtv.com/2022/1/e37631 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/37631 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36194466