@Article{info:doi/10.2196/11988,作者=“Jaimini, utkarshai和Thirunarayan, Krishnaprasad和Kalra, Maninder和Venkataraman, Revathy和Kadariya, Dipesh和Sheth, Amit”,标题=“我孩子的哮喘是怎么来的?”“儿童哮喘的数字表型和可操作的见解”,期刊=“JMIR儿科家长”,年=“2018”,月=“11”,日=“30”,卷=“1”,数=“2”,页=“e11988”,关键词=“数字表型;可行的见解;哮喘控制水平;哮喘控制试验;数字表型评分;控制器合规得分;背景:在传统的哮喘管理方案中,儿童很少与临床医生见面,每3至6个月一次,并使用哮喘控制测试问卷进行评估。这些信息不足以及时确定哮喘控制、依从性、精确诊断病因和评估治疗计划的有效性。对儿童症状、活动、睡眠和治疗依从性的持续监测和改进跟踪可以精确确定哮喘的触发因素,并可靠地评估药物依从性和有效性。数字表型是指利用来自个人数字设备(特别是移动电话)的数据对个体水平的人类表型进行实时量化。 The kHealth kit consists of a mobile app, provided on an Android tablet, that asks timely and contextually relevant questions related to asthma symptoms, medication intake, reduced activity because of symptoms, and nighttime awakenings; a Fitbit to monitor activity and sleep; a Microlife Peak Flow Meter to monitor the peak expiratory flow and forced exhaled volume in 1 second; and a Foobot to monitor indoor air quality. The kHealth cloud stores personal health data and environmental data collected using Web services. The kHealth Dashboard interactively visualizes the collected data. Objective: The objective of this study was to discuss the usability and feasibility of collecting clinically relevant data to help clinicians diagnose or intervene in a child's care plan by using the kHealth system for continuous and comprehensive monitoring of child's symptoms, activity, sleep pattern, environmental triggers, and compliance. The kHealth system helps in deriving actionable insights to help manage asthma at both the personal and cohort levels. The Digital Phenotype Score and Controller Compliance Score introduced in the study are the basis of ongoing work on addressing personalized asthma care and answer questions such as, ``How can I help my child better adhere to care instructions and reduce future exacerbation?'' Methods: The Digital Phenotype Score and Controller Compliance Score summarize the child's condition from the data collected using the kHealth kit to provide actionable insights. The Digital Phenotype Score formalizes the asthma control level using data about symptoms, rescue medication usage, activity level, and sleep pattern. The Compliance Score captures how well the child is complying with the treatment protocol. We monitored and analyzed data for 95 children, each recruited for a 1- or 3-month-long study. The Asthma Control Test scores obtained from the medical records of 57 children were used to validate the asthma control levels calculated using the Digital Phenotype Scores. Results: At the cohort level, we found asthma was very poorly controlled in 37{\%} (30/82) of the children, not well controlled in 26{\%} (21/82), and well controlled in 38{\%} (31/82). Among the very poorly controlled children (n=30), we found 30{\%} (9/30) were highly compliant toward their controller medication intake---suggesting a re-evaluation for change in medication or dosage---whereas 50{\%} (15/30) were poorly compliant and candidates for a more timely intervention to improve compliance to mitigate their situation. We observed a negative Kendall Tau correlation between Asthma Control Test scores and Digital Phenotype Score as −0.509 (P<.01). Conclusions: kHealth kit is suitable for the collection of clinically relevant information from pediatric patients. Furthermore, Digital Phenotype Score and Controller Compliance Score, computed based on the continuous digital monitoring, provide the clinician with timely and detailed evidence of a child's asthma-related condition when compared with the Asthma Control Test scores taken infrequently during clinic visits. ", issn="2561-6722", doi="10.2196/11988", url="http://pediatrics.www.mybigtv.com/2018/2/e11988/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/11988", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31008446" }