T短信服务(扁桃体短信给我)对小儿扁桃体切除术围手术期结果的影响:卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析与历史对照组的队列研究% a Wozney,Lori % a Vakili,Negar % a Chorney,Jill % a Clark,Alexander % a Hong,Paul %+心理健康和成瘾,政策和规划,新斯科舍省卫生,300 Pleasant St,达特茅斯,NS, B2Y 3S3,加拿大,1 9024490603,loriwozney@gmail.com %K扁桃体切除术%K耳鼻喉科%K短信%K护理人员%K手术%K围手术期%K患者出院%K术后护理%K短信服务%K疼痛管理%K手机%D 2022 %7 20.9.2022 %9原始论文%J JMIR围手术期医学%G英文%X背景:扁桃体切除术是在北美进行的一种常见的儿科手术。护理人员在准备孩子的手术和协调家庭护理方面面临着复杂的挑战,因此,他们可以从获得教育资源中受益。之前的一项可行性研究显示,扁桃体短信给我(一种自动短信短信服务,可以发送15个时间敏感的活动提醒,链接到营养和补水提示,疼痛管理策略,以及监测并发症的指导)的结果令人满意,护理人员的满意度和参与度都很高。目的:本研究旨在在现实环境中对扁桃体文本进行试点测试,以确定它是否以及如何改善护理人员和患者的围手术期体验和结果。方法:包括接受扁桃体切除术的3至14岁儿童的护理人员。比较历史对照组和具有相同研究参数(如合格标准和手术团队)的干预组的数据。测量方法包括育儿自我代理测量,一般健康问卷-12,父母术后疼痛测量,客户满意度问卷-8,参与分析,以及镇痛药消费,疼痛,儿童活动水平和卫生服务使用。数据分别在术前一天、术后3天和术后14天收集。 Participants in the intervention group received texts starting 2 weeks before surgery up to the eighth day after surgery. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used. Results: In total, 51 caregivers (n=32, 63% control; n=19, 37% intervention) who were predominately women (49/51, 96%), White (48/51, 94%), and employed (42/51, 82%) participated. Intervention group caregivers had a statistically significant positive difference in Parenting Self-Agency Measure scores (P=.001). The mean postoperative pain scores were higher for the control group (mean 10.0, SD 3.1) than for the intervention group (mean 8.5, SD 3.7), both of which were still above the 6/15 threshold for clinically significant pain; however, the difference was not statistically significant (t39=1.446; P=.16). Other positive but nonsignificant trends for the intervention group compared with the control group were observed for the highest level of pain (t39=0.882; P=.38), emergency department visits (χ22=1.3; P=.52; Cramer V=0.19), and other measures. Engagement with resources linked in the texts was moderate, with all but 1 being clicked on for viewing at least once by 79% (15/19) of the participants. Participants rated the intervention as highly satisfactory across all 8 dimensions of the Client Satisfaction Questionnaire (mean 29.4, SD 3.2; out of a possible value of 32.0). Conclusions: This cohort study with a historical control group found that Tonsil-Text-To-Me had a positive impact on caregivers’ perioperative care experience. The small sample size and unclear impacts of COVID-19 on the study design should be considered when interpreting the results. Controlled trials with larger sample sizes for evaluating SMS text messaging interventions aimed to support caregivers of children undergoing tonsillectomy surgery are warranted. %M 36125849 %R 10.2196/39617 %U https://periop.www.mybigtv.com/2022/1/e39617 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/39617 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36125849