@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / /公共健康。6069,作者=“肯尼迪,瑞安·大卫和格兰特,阿什利和斯皮尔斯,马克和科恩,乔安娜·E”,标题=“销售点烟草广告和展示禁令:俄罗斯五个城市的政策评估研究”,期刊=“JMIR公共卫生监测”,年=“2017”,月=“8”,日=“15”,卷=“3”,数=“3”,页=“e52”,关键词=“烟草;销售;公共卫生;公共政策;评估;背景:烟草行业利用销售点(POS)广告、促销和产品展示来增加现有用户对其产品的消费,吸引新消费者,并鼓励以前的客户恢复烟草使用。作为全面控烟努力的一部分,俄罗斯——世界上烟草使用率最高的国家之一——颁布了一项法律,禁止烟草POS机广告,自2013年11月15日起生效,并禁止在售货亭展示烟草和销售香烟,自2014年6月1日起生效。目的:本研究的目的是通过评估俄罗斯各地POS机广告、促销、产品展示和销售状况,评估国家法律的实施情况。方法:进行了两波观察,以衡量POS限制的遵守情况:第一波观察发生在2014年4月至5月广告禁令生效后,第二次观察发生在2014年8月至9月,在售货亭展示禁令和禁止烟草销售生效后。 Observations were conducted by local trained staff that traveled to 5 populous cities in different regions of Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Ekaterinburg, and Novosibirsk). Staff followed a published POS evaluation protocol and used mobile phones to collect data. Observations were conducted in a roughly equal number of supermarket chains, convenience stores, and kiosks. Observed items included advertising at POS, product displays, and cigarette sales in kiosks. Results: Observations were made in 780 venues in wave 1 and in 779 revisited venues in wave 2. In wave 1, approximately a third of supermarkets and convenience stores (34.2{\%}, 184/538) were advertising cigarettes using light boxes, and over half of observed venues (54.3{\%}, 292/538) had signage such as banners or shelf liners that used colors or images related to cigarette brands. Product displays were common in wave 1. In wave 2, compliance with advertising restrictions was very good: there were virtually no light boxes (1.0{\%}, 5/489); banners or shelf liners were observed in 30.5{\%} (149/489) of supermarkets/convenience stores; approximately 7.4{\%} (36/489) of venues were still displaying products in a powerwall. In wave 2, 41.3{\%} (100/242) of kiosks continued to sell tobacco. Conclusions: Russia's compliance with POS bans was excellent. Remaining compliance issues are largely with the use of cigarette brand colors or images used in banners or shelf liners; this type of infraction is more difficult to enforce as inspectors need to be deeply familiar with tobacco industry products and marketing practices. A sizable proportion of kiosks continue to sell tobacco post restrictions. ", issn="2369-2960", doi="10.2196/publichealth.6069", url="http://publichealth.www.mybigtv.com/2017/3/e52/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/publichealth.6069", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28811269" }