@Article{info:doi/10.2196/30944,作者=“Parker, Jayelin N and Choi, Seul Ki and Bauermeister, Jose A and Bonar, Erin E and Carrico, Adam W and Stephenson, Rob”,标题=“在使用药物的性少数和性别少数青少年和年轻人中进行艾滋病毒和性传播感染检测:一项随机对照试验的基线调查”,期刊=“JMIR公共卫生监测”,年=“2022”,月=“7”,日=“1”,卷=“8”,数=“7”,页=“e30944”,关键词=“测试;物质使用;性少数;社会决定因素”,摘要=“背景:同性恋、双性恋和其他男男性行为者和变性人比他们的顺性别、异性恋同龄人更容易感染艾滋病毒和其他性传播感染(STIs)。此外,使用药物的性少数群体和性别少数群体感染艾滋病毒和其他性传播感染的风险往往进一步增加。增加对艾滋病毒和其他性传播感染的检测使这些难以接触到的人群能够接受早期干预、预防和教育。目的:探讨居住在密歇根州东南部的414名年龄在15至29岁、自我报告药物使用的性和性别少数青少年和年轻人的艾滋病毒和性传播感染检测模式。方法:我们分析了一项四组随机对照试验的基线调查数据,该试验旨在检查短暂药物使用干预对艾滋病毒预防参与的效果。基于自我报告的检测(从未,仅性传播感染,仅艾滋病毒,或两者),我们将多项逻辑回归模型拟合到2个类别艾滋病毒和性传播感染检测变量(终生和过去12个月)。此外,我们比较了艾滋病毒和性传播感染检测行为在人口统计学特征、结构因素、社会心理障碍、药物使用和性行为方面的差异。 Results: Our findings showed that 35.5{\%} (147/414) of adolescents and young adults reported not being tested for either HIV or STIs in the previous year, and less than half (168/414, 40.6{\%}) of the sample achieved the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendation of HIV and STI testing once per year. We observed HIV and STI testing disparities across sociodemographic (eg, sexual identity, education, and income) and health (eg, substance use) correlates. Specifically, cisgender gay men who have sex with men were more likely to report being tested for HIV compared with bisexual men and transgender individuals, who were more likely to be tested for STIs. Conclusions: This study illustrates the results of an HIV prevention intervention in southeastern Michigan showing the need for HIV prevention interventions that leverage structural factors, psychosocial barriers, and substance use as key drivers to achieve HIV and STI testing rates to meet the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02945436; http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02945436 International Registered Report Identifier (IRRID): RR2-10.2196/resprot.9414 ", issn="2369-2960", doi="10.2196/30944", url="https://publichealth.www.mybigtv.com/2022/7/e30944", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/30944", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35776441" }