%0期刊文章%@ 2369-2960 %I JMIR出版物%V 7% 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析N 12% P e32294 %T检验问题结构对性别身份报告的影响:青年调查实验,William J %A Bover Manderski,Michelle T %A Ganz,Ollie %A Delnevo, christine D %A Hrywna, Rutgers大学烟草研究中心,Rutgers生物医学和健康科学,Rutgers大学,303 George Street, Suite 500, New Brunswick, NJ, 08901,美国,1848 932 8054,william.j.young@rutgers.edu %K调查测量%K性别认同%K调查措辞实验%D 2021 %7 13.12.2021 %9原始论文%J JMIR公共卫生监测%G英文%X背景:与异性恋相比,美国性少数群体的负面身心健康结果发生率更高。然而,各种测量挑战限制了研究人员进行有意义的调查研究以了解这些差异的能力。尽管其他身份普遍存在,但许多国家健康调查仅为受访者提供了3种实质性的性别身份报告选项(异性恋/异性恋、男同性恋/女同性恋和双性恋),这可能会因误报和项目不响应而导致测量误差。目的:本研究比较了传统的3个选项的方法来测量性别认同和一个扩展的方法,为受访者提供了5个额外的选项。方法:2021年3月至6月在新泽西州居民中进行的一项在线调查实验随机分配了1254名年轻人(18-21岁)回答性身份的三反应测试或扩展项目。比较了每个测量的响应分布以及项目无响应的几率。结果:问题的扩展版本似乎在一些亚组中导致更准确的报告,并导致较少的项目无反应;在扩展版本中,12%(77/642)的受访者选择了短版本中没有的回答。 Females answering the expanded item were less likely to identify as gay or lesbian (2.1% [10/467] vs. 6.6% [30/457]). Females and Non-Hispanic Whites were slightly more likely to skip the shorter version than the longer version (1.1% [5/457 for females and 3/264 for Non-Hispanic Whites] vs. 0% [0/467 for females and 0/277 for Non-Hispanic Whites]). About 5% (32/642) of respondents answering the longer item were unsure of their sexual identity (a similar option was not available in the shorter version). Compared with respondents answering the longer version of the question, those answering the shorter version had substantially greater odds of skipping the question altogether (odds ratio 9.57, 95% CI 1.21-75.74; P=.03). Conclusions: Results favor the use of a longer, more detailed approach to measuring sexual identity in epidemiological research. Such a measure will likely allow researchers to produce more accurate estimates of health behaviors and outcomes among sexual minorities. %M 34898444 %R 10.2196/32294 %U https://publichealth.www.mybigtv.com/2021/12/e32294 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/32294 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34898444