% 0期刊文章% @ 2369 - 2960 V %我JMIR出版物%卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 N % P e38072 % 9% T跟踪移动第一SARS-CoV-2疫苗接种前后的变化使用全球定位系统数据在英格兰和威尔士(病毒看):前瞻性队列研究社区%阮,文森特%,刘芒福德Yunzhe %,理查德·弗拉纳根%,本杰明% Patel, Parth %布雷斯韦特,伊莎贝尔% Shrotri, Madhumita % Byrne,托马斯%比尔,莎拉%阿尔耶前来,安娜%,方翼Lam埃里卡% Fragaszy,艾伦% Geismar,西里尔% Navaratnam, Annalan M D % Hardelid Pia %柯伐,Jana %教皇,艾迪%一程,道%海沃德,安德鲁%奥尔德里奇,罗伯特·%,% +公共卫生科学数据中心,伦敦大学卫生信息学研究所222年尤斯顿路,伦敦,NW1 2 da,英国,r.aldridge@ucl.ac 44 3549 5541。英国% K COVID-19 % K SARS-CoV-2 % K接种% K全球定位系统GPS % % K K运动跟踪% K地理追踪% K移动应用% K健康应用程序% K监视% K公共卫生% K mHealth % K流动监测% K追踪装置% K地理位置% D原始论文7 8.3.2023 % 9 2023% % J JMIR公共卫生Surveill % G英语% X背景:有证据表明,个人可能会改变坚持公共卫生政策,旨在减少接触、传播,SARS-CoV-2病毒的传播在他们收到第一次SARS-CoV-2疫苗接种时没有完全接种疫苗。目的:我们旨在估计平均每天行进距离的变化我们的队列从他们的注册地址之前和之后收到SARS-CoV-2疫苗。方法:受试者招募到病毒观看2020年6月开始。每周被派去调查参与者,和免疫接种状况收集从2021年1月开始。2020年9月至2021年2月,我们邀请了13120名成年病毒看向我们的追踪subcohort参与者做出贡献,通过智能手机应用使用GPS运动上收集数据。我们使用分段线性回归来估计平均每天行进距离之前和之后的第一个自我报告SARS-CoV-2疫苗剂量。结果:我们分析了日常旅行距离249年成人接种疫苗。从157天之前接种疫苗,直到前一天,平均每天行进距离为9.05(差8.06 - -10.09)公里。天的疫苗接种疫苗接种后105天,平均每天行进距离为10.08(差8.60 - -12.42)公里。从157天之前接种疫苗接种日期之前,有一个每日平均减少流动性的40.09米(95%可信区间-50.08到-31.10; P<.001). After vaccination, there was a median daily increase in movement of 60.60 m (95% CI 20.90-100; P<.001). Restricting the analysis to the third national lockdown (January 4, 2021, to April 5, 2021), we found a median daily movement increase of 18.30 m (95% CI –19.20 to 55.80; P=.57) in the 30 days prior to vaccination and a median daily movement increase of 9.36 m (95% CI 38.6-149.00; P=.69) in the 30 days after vaccination. Conclusions: Our study demonstrates the feasibility of collecting high-volume geolocation data as part of research projects and the utility of these data for understanding public health issues. Our various analyses produced results that ranged from no change in movement after vaccination (during the third national lock down) to an increase in movement after vaccination (considering all periods, up to 105 days after vaccination), suggesting that, among Virus Watch participants, any changes in movement distances after vaccination are small. Our findings may be attributable to public health measures in place at the time such as movement restrictions and home working that applied to the Virus Watch cohort participants during the study period. %M 36884272 %R 10.2196/38072 %U https://publichealth.www.mybigtv.com/2023/1/e38072 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/38072 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36884272