TY -的盟Marcon亚历桑德罗·R盟——Klostermann菲利普AU -·考尔菲德,盖PY - 2016 DA - 2016/09/16 TI -按摩和脊椎推拿疗法在Twitter上:案例研究的批评和辩论乔- JMIR公共卫生Surveill SP - e153六世- 2 - 2 KW -脊髓操纵千瓦操纵疗法KW -按摩KW -替代医学KW - Twitter KW -社会媒体KW - infodemiology AB -背景:脊柱操纵疗法(SMT)是一种流行但有争议的疗法。围绕SMT疗效和风险的争论在大众话语中只是部分明显。目的:本研究旨在调查社交媒体平台Twitter上围绕SMT疗效和风险的批评和争论。这项研究考察了是否存在辩论,以及关键信息是否得到广泛传播。方法:通过Twitter的搜索应用程序编程接口,使用查询术语“脊椎推拿”、“脊椎推拿师”和“脊柱推拿疗法”编译了31339条推文的初始语料。他们收集了2015年12月的推文。删除由机器人和垃圾邮件发布的推文后,语料库共有20,695条推文,其中一个样本(n=1267)被分析为怀疑或批评推文。还评估了其他标准。结果:有34条推文明确包含对SMT的怀疑或批评,占样本的2.68% (n=1267)。 As such, there is a presence of 2.68% of tweets in the total corpus, 95% CI 0-6.58% displaying explicitly skeptical or critical perspectives of SMT. In addition, there are numerous tweets highlighting the health benefits of SMT for health issues such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), immune system, and blood pressure that receive scant critical attention. The presence of tweets in the corpus highlighting the risks of “stroke” and “vertebral artery dissection” is also minute (0.1%). Conclusions: In the abundance of tweets substantiating and promoting chiropractic and SMT as sound health practices and valuable business endeavors, the debates surrounding the efficacy and risks of SMT on Twitter are almost completely absent. Although there are some critical voices of SMT proving to be influential, issues persist regarding how widely this information is being disseminated. SN - 2369-2960 UR - http://publichealth.www.mybigtv.com/2016/2/e153/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/publichealth.5739 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27637456 DO - 10.2196/publichealth.5739 ID - info:doi/10.2196/publichealth.5739 ER -