TY -非盟的Al Manir穆罕默德Sadnan盟——Brenas Jon治愈AU -贝克,克里斯托弗•乔盟——Shaban-Nejad乔PY - 2018 DA - 2018/06/15 TI -疟疾监测基础设施分析:提供数据访问和保存的互操作性乔- JMIR公共卫生Surveill SP - e10218六世- 4 - 2 KW -疟疾监测KW -全球卫生KW - Web服务互操作性KW -变更管理千瓦KW -人口健康情报AB -背景:据世界卫生组织称,在疟疾负担最重的国家和地区,疟疾监测最薄弱。一个核心障碍是进行疟疾监测所需的数据分散在分布在不同地理区域的多个数据竖井中。此外,一致的综合疟疾数据源很少,它们之间的互操作性程度很低。因此,很难确定疾病趋势和规划有效的干预措施。目的:我们提出了用于疟疾分析的语义、互操作性和进化(SIEMA)平台,用于基于语义数据联邦的疟疾监测。使用这种方法,可以访问分布式数据,扩展和保持多个动态分布式疟疾源之间的互操作性,并促进检测可能中断关键任务全球监测活动的系统变化。方法:我们使用语义自动发现和集成(SADI)语义Web服务来实现数据访问和提高互操作性,并使用图形用户界面支持的语义查询引擎HYDRA来实现疟疾项目的典型目标查询。我们实现了一个自定义算法来检测对社区开发的术语、数据源和服务的更改,这些术语是SIEMA的核心。该算法向仪表板报告。 Valet SADI is used to mitigate the impact of changes by rebuilding affected services. Results: We developed a prototype surveillance and change management platform from a combination of third-party tools, community-developed terminologies, and custom algorithms. We illustrated a methodology and core infrastructure to facilitate interoperable access to distributed data sources using SADI Semantic Web services. This degree of access makes it possible to implement complex queries needed by our user community with minimal technical skill. We implemented a dashboard that reports on terminology changes that can render the services inactive, jeopardizing system interoperability. Using this information, end users can control and reactively rebuild services to preserve interoperability and minimize service downtime. Conclusions: We introduce a framework suitable for use in malaria surveillance that supports the creation of flexible surveillance queries across distributed data resources. The platform provides interoperable access to target data sources, is domain agnostic, and with updates to core terminological resources is readily transferable to other surveillance activities. A dashboard enables users to review changes to the infrastructure and invoke system updates. The platform significantly extends the range of functionalities offered by malaria information systems, beyond the state-of-the-art. SN - 2369-2960 UR - http://publichealth.www.mybigtv.com/2018/2/e10218/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/10218 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29907554 DO - 10.2196/10218 ID - info:doi/10.2196/10218 ER -