TY -的盟Ssendikaddiwa约瑟夫AU - Lavergne,露丝PY - 2019 DA - 2019/11/18 TI -初级保健和互联网搜索无预约诊所和急诊在加拿大:观察研究使用谷歌趋势和人口健康调查数据乔- JMIR公共卫生Surveill SP - e13130六世- 5 - 4 KW -互联网KW -门诊设施KW -急诊KW -初级卫生保健KW -卫生服务可访问性AB -背景:获得初级保健对许多加拿大人来说是一个挑战。各省的初级保健模式差异很大,包括当日和下班后的服务安排。免预约诊所和急诊科(EDs)的使用也可能有所不同,但允许比较的数据来源是有限的。目的:我们使用谷歌Trends来检查加拿大各省和时间内免预约诊所和急诊科的相对搜索频率。我们将谷歌趋势中的省级相对搜索频率与联邦基金2016年11个国家成人国际卫生政策调查和2016年加拿大社区卫生调查中关于初级保健获取的调查反馈进行了关联。方法:我们开发了搜索策略,以捕获加拿大各省免预约诊所(如急诊诊所和下班后诊所)和急诊科(如急诊室)使用的术语范围。从2011年1月到2018年12月,我们使用谷歌趋势来确定这些关键词相对于每个省份总搜索量的频率。我们计算了省级谷歌趋势相对搜索频率与调查响应之间的相关系数和95% ci。结果:免预约诊所搜索的相对搜索频率稳步上升,在2011年至2018年期间,大多数省份的搜索频率翻了一番。 Relative frequency of walk-in clinic searches was highest in the western provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. At the provincial level, higher walk-in clinic relative search frequency was strongly positively correlated with the percentage of survey respondents who reported being able to get same- or next-day appointments to see a doctor or a nurse and inversely correlated with the percentage of respondents who reported going to ED for a condition that they thought could have been treated by providers at usual place of care. Relative search frequency for walk-in clinics was also inversely correlated with the percentage of respondents who reported having a regular medical provider. ED relative search frequencies were more stable over time, and we did not observe statistically significant correlation with survey data. Conclusions: Higher relative search frequency for walk-in clinics was positively correlated with the ability to get a same- or next-day appointment and inversely correlated with ED use for conditions treatable in the patient’s regular place of care and also with having a regular medical provider. Findings suggest that patient use of Web-based tools to search for more convenient or accessible care through walk-in clinics is increasing over time. Further research is needed to validate Google Trends data with administrative information on service use. SN - 2369-2960 UR - http://publichealth.www.mybigtv.com/2019/4/e13130/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/13130 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31738175 DO - 10.2196/13130 ID - info:doi/10.2196/13130 ER -