TY - JOUR AU - McNeil, Carrie AU - Verlander, Sarah AU - Divi, Nomita AU - Smolinski, Mark PY - 2022 DA - 2022/8/5 TI -跨单一健康谱的参与式监测系统的前景:系统综述JO - JMIR公共卫生监测SP - e38551 VL - 8 IS - 8kw -参与式监测KW - One Health KW -公民科学KW -社区监测KW -传染病KW -数字疾病检测KW -社区参与KW -移动电话AB -背景:参与式监测系统通过双向社区参与增强传统监测系统。数字平台的发展使全球参与式监测系统得以扩展,以检测影响人类、动物、植物和环境的卫生事件,换句话说,涉及整个“同一个健康”范围。目的:该景观的目的是确定和提供有关系统重点、地理、用户、技术、信息共享和持续参与式监测系统在同一健康范围内的感知影响的描述性信息。方法:这一景观开始于系统的文献综述,以确定潜在的持续参与式监测系统。通过文献综述中确定的系统联系人和直接联系涉众、专家和专业组织,发送了一份调查以收集标准化数据。对调查和文献综述结果进行描述性分析。结果:该景观确定了横跨五大洲的60个正在进行的单部门和多部门参与式监测系统。其中29个(48%)包括人类健康数据,26个(43%)包括环境健康数据,24个(40%)包括动物健康数据。共有16个(27%)系统是多部门的; of these, 9 (56%) collect animal and environmental health data; 3 (19%) collect human, animal, and environmental health data; 2 (13%) collect human and environmental health data; and 2 (13%) collect human and animal health data. Out of 60 systems, 31 (52%) are designed to cover a national scale, compared to those with a subnational (n=19, 32%) or multinational (n=10, 17%) focus. All systems use some form of digital technology. Email communication or websites (n=40, 67%) and smartphones (n=29, 48%) are the most common technologies used, with some using both. Systems have capabilities to download geolocation data (n=31, 52%), photographs (n=29, 48%), and videos (n=6, 10%), and can incorporate lab data or sample collection (n=15, 25%). In sharing information back with users, most use visualization, such as maps (n=43, 72%); training and educational materials (n=37, 62%); newsletters, blogs, and emails (n=34, 57%); and disease prevention information (n=32, 53%). Out of the 46 systems responding to the survey regarding perceived impacts of their systems, 36 (78%) noted “improved community knowledge and understanding” and 31 (67%) noted “earlier detection.” Conclusions: The landscape demonstrated the breadth of applicability of participatory surveillance around the world to collect data from community members and trained volunteers in order to inform the detection of events, from invasive plant pests to weekly influenza symptoms. Acknowledging the importance of bidirectionality of information, these systems simultaneously share findings back with the users. Such directly engaged community detection systems capture events early and provide opportunities to stop outbreaks quickly. SN - 2369-2960 UR - https://publichealth.www.mybigtv.com/2022/8/e38551 UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/38551 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35930345 DO - 10.2196/38551 ID - info:doi/10.2196/38551 ER -