@Article{作者信息:doi / 10.2196/43436 =“丘吉尔,劳拉和明日,玛丽和Capin,雅各布J和乔利,莎拉·E和野兔,Kristine就任,萨曼莎和Stevens-Lapsley,詹妮弗·E和Erlandson Kristine M”, title =“利用可穿戴技术量化身体活动恢复:二级后的报告(App-Facilitated Tele-Rehabilitation)项目COVID-19幸存者随机研究”,《=“JMIR Rehabil帮助抛光工艺”,年= " 2023 ",月=“Mar”=“20”,体积=“10”,页面=“e43436”,关键词= " Fitbit;步骤;COVID-19;住院治疗;康复;数字卫生干预措施;身体活动;步数;移动健康应用程序;tele-rehabilitation”、抽象= "背景:知识身体活动复苏后COVID-19生存是有限的。 The AFTER (App-Facilitated Tele-Rehabilitation) program for COVID-19 survivors randomized participants, following hospital discharge, to either education and unstructured physical activity or a telerehabilitation program. Step count data were collected as a secondary outcome, and we found no significant differences in total step count trajectories between groups at 6 weeks. Further step count data were not analyzed. Objective: The purpose of this analysis was to examine step count trajectories and correlates among all participants (combined into a single group) across the 12-week study period. Methods: Linear mixed models with random effects were used to model daily steps over the number of study days. Models with 0, 1, and 2 inflection points were considered, and the final model was selected based on the highest log-likelihood value. Results: Participants included 44 adults (41 with available Fitbit [Fitbit LLC] data). Initially, step counts increased by an average of 930 (95{\%} CI 547-1312; P<.001) steps per week, culminating in an average daily step count of 7658 (95{\%} CI 6257-9059; P<.001) at the end of week 3. During the remaining 9 weeks of the study, weekly step counts increased by an average of 67 (95{\%} CI −30 to 163; P<.001) steps per week, resulting in a final estimate of 8258 (95{\%} CI 6933-9584; P<.001) steps. Conclusions: Participants showed a marked improvement in daily step counts during the first 3 weeks of the study, followed by more gradual improvement in the remaining 9 weeks. Physical activity data and step count recovery trajectories may be considered surrogates for physiological recovery, although further research is needed to examine this relationship. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT04663945; https://tinyurl.com/2p969ced ", issn="2369-2529", doi="10.2196/43436", url="https://rehab.www.mybigtv.com/2023/1/e43436", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/43436", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36939818" }