外骨骼与虚拟现实,增强现实,和游戏化的中风患者康复:卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析系统综述%A Mubin,Omar %A Alnajjar,Fady %A Jishtu,Nalini %A Alsinglawi,Belal %A Al Mahmud,Abdullah %+阿联酋大学信息技术学院,PO Box 15551, Al Ain,阿联酋阿布扎比,971 37673333,fady.alnajjar@uaeu.ac.ae %K stroke %K机器人%K外骨骼%K虚拟现实%K增强现实%K游戏化%K康复%D 2019 %7 8.9.2019 %9原始论文%J JMIR Rehabil辅助技术%G英文%X背景:机器人辅助治疗已成为脑卒中后运动障碍患者康复治疗领域的一项有前途的技术。康复过程中的积极性是大多数中风幸存者的首要任务。随着当前技术的进步,已经引入了虚拟现实(VR)、增强现实(AR)、可定制的游戏或两者的组合,帮助机器人治疗保持或增加患者的兴趣,以便他们继续进行锻炼。然而,从临床康复过渡到家庭治疗的证据存在差距,这需要对展示这一趋势的文献进行更新综合。本文根据所使用的技术对这些研究进行了分类,并详细介绍了上肢和下肢应用的研究。目的:这项工作的目的是回顾实践和技术在脑卒中后患者的康复实施。它旨在评估外骨骼机器人与三种技术(VR、AR或游戏化)中的任何一种结合在改善中风后幸存者的活动和参与方面的有效性。方法:系统检索外骨骼机器人应用于三种感兴趣的技术(VR、AR或游戏化)的文献:MEDLINE、EMBASE、Science Direct和the Cochrane Library。 Exoskeleton-based studies that did not include any VR, AR or gamification elements were excluded, but publications from the years 2010 to 2017 were included. Results in the form of improvements in the patients’ condition were also recorded and taken into consideration in determining the effectiveness of any of the therapies on the patients. Results: Thirty studies were identified based on the inclusion criteria, and this included randomized controlled trials as well as exploratory research pieces. There were a total of about 385 participants across the various studies. The use of technologies such as VR-, AR-, or gamification-based exoskeletons could fill the transition from the clinic to a home-based setting. Our analysis showed that there were general improvements in the motor function of patients using the novel interfacing techniques with exoskeletons. This categorization of studies helps with understanding the scope of rehabilitation therapies that can be successfully arranged for home-based rehabilitation. Conclusions: Future studies are necessary to explore various types of customizable games required to retain or increase the motivation of patients going through the individual therapies. %M 31586360 %R 10.2196/12010 %U https://rehab.www.mybigtv.com/2019/2/e12010 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/12010 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31586360