@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。1686年,作者=“Bexelius, Christin和Sandin, Sven和Trolle Lagerros, Ylva和Litton, Jan-Eric和L{\"o}f, Marie”,标题=“使用手机问卷估计身体活动水平:与加速测量法评估受试者之间和受试者内部变化的比较”,期刊=“J医学互联网研究”,年=“2011”,月=“Sep”,日=“25”,量=“13”,数=“3”,页=“e70”,关键词=“手机;互联网;身体活动;背景:体育活动促进健康和长寿。在大样本流行病学研究中,进一步阐述体育活动对人类健康的作用,需要使用易于使用、廉价且可能重复的准确方法。在这方面,移动电话等电信技术的使用非常有趣。在之前的一份报告中,我们表明,使用手机程序评估的身体活动水平(PAL)与使用双标签水法获得的相应估计值非常一致。然而,我们早期的研究表明,使用手机时PAL在受试者之间的变化与受试者内部的变化有关,但我们无法评估这是PAL的真实变化还是手机技术的人为因素。目的:我们的目的是比较受试者内部和受试者之间的PAL变化,通过手机与相应的估计使用加速度计。 In addition, we compared the agreement of daily PAL values obtained using the cell phone questionnaire with corresponding data obtained using an accelerometer. Methods: PAL was measured both with the cell phone questionnaire and with a triaxial accelerometer daily during a 2-week study period in 21 healthy Swedish women (20 to 45 years of age and BMI from 17.7 kg/m2 to 33.6 kg/m2). The results were evaluated by fitting linear mixed effect models and descriptive statistics and graphs. Results: With the accelerometer, 57{\%} (95{\%} confidence interval [CI] 40{\%}-66{\%}) of the variation was within subjects, while with the cell phone, within-subject variation was 76{\%} (95{\%} CI 59{\%}-83{\%}). The day-to-day variations in PAL observed using the cell phone questions agreed well with the corresponding accelerometer results. Conclusions: Both the cell phone questionnaire and the accelerometer showed high within-subject variations. Furthermore, day-to-day variations in PAL within subjects assessed using the cell phone agreed well with corresponding accelerometer values. Consequently, our cell phone questionnaire is a promising tool for assessing levels of physical activity. The tool may be useful for large-scale prospective studies. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.1686", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2011/3/e70/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1686", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21946080" }