@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。1683,作者=“Grad, Roland和Pluye, Pierre和Johnson-Lafleur, Janique和Granikov, Vera和Shulha, Michael和Bartlett, Gillian和Marlow, Bernard”,标题=“家庭医生检索以前作为电子邮件提醒阅读的临床研究概要吗?”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2011”,月=“11”,日=“30”,卷=“13”,数=“4”,页=“e101”,关键词=“电子邮件;临床邮件渠道;信息检索;背景:新的临床研究摘要以简短的结构化格式突出了一项研究的重要方面。当以电子邮件提醒的形式发送时,概要使临床医生能够意识到与实践相关的新发展。一旦阅读,摘要就可以成为已知的临床信息。在时间紧迫的情况下,记住一个已知的项目可能有助于临床医生检索信息。然而,最初作为电子邮件警报发送的概要究竟如何影响稍后的检索,目前尚不清楚。目的:我们检查了对临床信息的搜索,其中检索到以前作为电子邮件提醒阅读的摘要(定义为二元)。 Our study objectives were to (1) examine whether family physicians retrieved synopses they previously read as email alerts and then to (2) explore whether family physicians purposefully retrieved these synopses. Methods: We conducted a mixed-methods study in which a qualitative multiple case study explored the retrieval of email alerts within a prospective longitudinal cohort of practicing family physicians. Reading of research-based synopses was tracked in two contexts: (1) push, meaning to read on email and (2) pull, meaning to read after retrieval from one electronic knowledge resource. Dyads, defined as synopses first read as email alerts and subsequently retrieved in a search of a knowledge resource, were prospectively identified. Participants were interviewed about all of their dyads. Outcomes were the total number of dyads and their type. Results: Over a period of 341 days, 194 unique synopses delivered to 41 participants resulted in 4937 synopsis readings. In all, 1205 synopses were retrieved over an average of 320 days. Of the 1205 retrieved synopses, 21 (1.7{\%}) were dyads made by 17 family physicians. Of the 1205 retrieved synopses, 6 (0.5{\%}) were known item type dyads. However, dyads also occurred serendipitously. Conclusion: In the single knowledge resource we studied, email alerts containing research-based synopses were rarely retrieved. Our findings help us to better understand the effect of push on pull and to improve the integration of research-based information within electronic resources for clinicians. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.1683", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2011/4/e101/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1683", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22130465" }