@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。1891年,作者=“Diefenbach, Michael A和Mohamed, Nihal E和Butz, Brian P和Bar-Chama, Natan和Stock, Richard和Cesaretti, Jamie和Hassan, Waleed和Samadi, David和Hall, Simon J”,标题=“早期前列腺癌患者基于互联网/ cd - rom教育和决策计划的可接受性和初步可行性:随机试点研究”,期刊=“J医学互联网研究”,年=“2012”,月=“Jan”,日=“13”,卷=“14”,数=“1”,页=“e6”,关键词=“多媒体;软件;前列腺癌;病人教育;治疗决策;治疗;背景:前列腺癌是影响美国男性的最常见的癌症。局限性疾病的管理方案是存在的,但仍需出现以证据为基础的治疗标准。虽然5年生存率接近98 %,但所有治疗方案都有可能产生严重的副作用,如勃起功能障碍和尿失禁。 It is therefore recommended that patients be actively involved in the treatment decision process. We have developed an Internet/CD-ROM-based multimedia Prostate Interactive Educational System (PIES) to enhance patients' treatment decision making. PIES virtually mirrors a health center to provide patients with information about prostate cancer and its treatment through an intuitive interface, using videos, animations, graphics, and texts. Objectives: (1) To examine the acceptability and feasibility of the PIES intervention and to report preliminary outcomes of the program in a pilot trial among patients with a new prostate cancer diagnosis, and (2) to explore the potential impact of tailoring PIES treatment information to participants' information-seeking styles on study outcomes. Methods: Participants (n = 72) were patients with newly diagnosed localized prostate cancer who had not made a treatment decision. Patients were randomly assigned to 3 experimental conditions: (1) control condition (providing information through standard National Cancer Institute brochures; 26{\%}), and PIES (2) with tailoring (43{\%}) and (3) without tailoring to a patient's information-seeking style (31{\%}). Questionnaires were administrated before (t1) and immediately after the intervention (t2). Measurements include evaluation and acceptability of the PIES intervention, monitoring/blunting information-seeking style, psychological distress, and decision-related variables (eg, decisional confidence, feeling informed about prostate cancer and treatment, and treatment preference). Results: The PIES program was well accepted by patients and did not interfere with the clinical routine. About 79{\%} of eligible patients (72/91) completed the pre- and post-PIES intervention assessments. Patients in the PIES groups compared with those in the control condition were significantly more likely to report higher levels of confidence in their treatment choices, higher levels of helpfulness of the information they received in making a treatment decision, and that the information they received was emotionally reassuring. Patients in the PIES groups compared with those in the control condition were significantly less likely to need more information about treatment options, were less anxious about their treatment choices, and thought the information they received was clear (P < .05). Tailoring PIES information to information-seeking style was not related to decision-making variables. Conclusions: This pilot study confirms that the implementation of PIES within a clinical practice is feasible and acceptable to patients with a recent diagnosis of prostate cancer. PIES improved key decision-making process variables and reduced the emotional impact of a difficult medical decision. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.1891", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2012/1/e6/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1891", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22246148" }